Sunday, March 6, 2011


Obviously, some folks in the Patrick Administration missed hearing about the drubbing Congressman Mike Capuano took for telling union protestors, "Every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

Because there was state Labor Director George Noel, a card carrying member of IBEW Local 1505, who makes $125,000 courtesy of the taxpayers, telling another union protest: "Make no mistake about it. We are at war."

Commenting on Noel's remarks, State GOP Chair Jennifer Nassour said: "Governor Patrick needs to explain why his labor director is at war with the taxpayers and whether he agrees. The Governor has stacked his administration with officials from organized labor and leaves the appearance that organized labor isn't just at the table, but sitting on both sides of the table. Forgive us for wondering whether Governor Patrick represents all people or just special interests like organized labor. This is more of the same and why the Governor failed to get 50% of the vote."

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