Sunday, March 6, 2011

State Employee Perk: Free Tuition

It's a little known perk, the spouses of full-time state employees are entitled to free tuition at state-run Universities and Colleges. Full-time state workers also get the benefit, but it is the perk for their spouses that surprises many.

The decades old law allows employees and their spouses to attend all state-run schools except the Law and Medical Schools. State records show that 1,200 state employees took advantage of the program, along with 200 spouses of state workers. 'Team 5 Investigates' was unable to find a similiar program in another state.

It is revelations such as this, of unheard of benefits, that makes the average worker in the private sector want to do away with collective bargaining and binding arbitration for government employees. Some suggest that there should be full transparency for all employment agreements at the municipal and state level.

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