Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bad Idea - Questionable Motives

State Representative Bradley Jones (R-North Reading) and James Dwyer (D-Woburn) have introduced HR 1972, to move the Presidential Primary from February to June. The bill also moves the primary for other offices from September to June. The authors suggest that the state would save money by holding one primary instead of two.

The bill if enacted would not affect the deadline for Independant candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties, to get on the ballot. That deadline would remain in July. The idea of a Massachusetts presidential primary that late in the year is completely new to the state. Massachusetts has held a presidential primary in every presidential election year starting in 1912, and it has always been in February, March or April.

According to sources, the idea has a problem because, no state is going to be allowed to hold September Primaries for federal office any longer, due to the law Congress passed telling states they must mail overseas absentee ballots at least 45 days before an election.

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