Saturday, December 11, 2010

'Growing Grassroots' Conference in February

The MassGOP has announced that Registration is now open for the 'Growing Grassroots Conference' that will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2011, at the Double Tree Hotel in Milford which is conveniently located off I-495. The conference will feature training sessions for Republican activists, candidates, and town and city committee members.

Building on the success of the seminars held in several locations across the state during 2010, the conference will feature campaign experts from inside and outside Massachusetts, including an encore session by GOPAC, the national party organization dedicated to training and electing GOP candidates. "We know training is a key element in building our farm team of candidates and our grassroots of activists, and that is why we are excited to build on the popularity of this year's seminars with the party's first ever grassroots conference," said Jennifer Nassour, chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party.

Conference sessions will cover running for municipal and legislative seats, building city and town committees, how to be a super-star activist, and much more. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Republican Party, the conference seeks to bring together Republicans from across the state for a full day of informative and inspirational sessions. Saturdays sessions will be followed by an optional Sunday morning program of roundtables and group discussions. Those considering attending the conference are advised to keep checking the conference website for more details.

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