Sunday, December 12, 2010

Campaign Training: Vital to Success

As 2010 ends, plans are underway by the Mass GOP and other Republican organizations to increase the amount of basic and advanced political training for local committee members and candidates in the year ahead. If there was a lesson to be learned from the election losses in Massachusetts in 2010, it was that - most local RCC and RTC are undermanned and poorly advised - on the necessary pre-election campaigning and Election Day activities that are critical if Republicans, wed to long-time core GOP values, are to win the hearts and minds of responsible voters. Without the coordinated efforts by the local committees, outside groups and special interest organizations will continue their often suspicious efforts to 'win' elections for favored Democrats.

The message for all citizens is that this is the time for Massachusetts to join the other states that require a valid Voter ID to be produced - prior to voting. Every member of the state legislature, who makes excuses for further delays, needs to be driven from office. Until the integrity of every election is beyond question, our republic is under threat and our freedoms will soon become only myths.

Candidates for municipal office as well as state legislative office, whether first time or fourth time, need to be familiar with the skills, systems, and techniques necessary to reach out to voters and find the resources to pay for it all. Categories of systems and services such as conventional phone banks or voIP systems; computers, answering machines and cell phones; public, private and GOP data bases; and tables, chairs, lawn signs, bumper stickers-just to name the obvious must be in hand. Campaign Chairs, Finance Directors, Treasurers, Field Directors, Volunteer Coordinators and Consultants must also be in place.

For local committees, expansion of their 'ground game' which includes standouts, demonstrations, lit drops, door bell ringers, and Poll Watchers inside and outside is critical. By adding to our numbers with non-affiliated sympathizers we will be better prepared to deal with the paid thugs who invade our polling stations.

We also plan to provide information for our committee members and to our neighbors thoughout the year so the coordination between local committees and candidates are seamless. Volunteers to staff year-round 'Get out Our Vote' communications to voters must begin.

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