Thursday, February 25, 2010

Upcoming GOP Events

From the Woburn GOP

Hello All,

* Note: Signature sheets, along with bumper stickers and signs are available for all candidates. Contact your city or town committee chair to obtain signature sheets.

Pick the candidate(s) of your choice and start collecting signatures. Have sheet(s) with you at all times to gather every signature that you can.

Statewide signature gathering is a very large project so all your help will be needed and appreciated! If each of you collected 1 sheet of signatures from family, friends & neighbors we would have a full ballot in the September primary!!!

Here is a list of upcoming activities and events:

* Thursday, 2/25, Charlie Baker & Richard Tisei Meet & Greet, Harley House, 909 Mass Ave, Lunenburg, 5-6PM

* Thursday, 2/25, Night with MA Republican Candidates Christy Mihos and Richard Tisei, Mission Oak Grill, 26 Green St, Newburyport, 7-9 PM, FREE

* Friday, 2/26, Chelmsford RTC Lincoln Day Celebration, 7- 9PM, Chelmsford Country Club, Guest: Todd Feinberg sharing thoughts on Pres. Lincoln, founder of Republican party, $5, RSVP to Maxine:

* Saturday, 2/27, Tea Party Meet & Greet with Christy Mihos, Gubernatorial candidate, Doubletree Hotel, 5400 Computer Dr, Westborough, 9-11AM, $10, rsvp by 2/25:

* Saturday, 2/27, Kamal Jain for Auditor Kick-off, Osgood Bradley Building, 18 Grafton St, Worcester, 1-4PM, RSVP

* Saturday, 2/27, Charlie Baker & Richard Tisei Meet & Greet, Angelica's Restaurant, Rt 114, Middleton, 1-3PM, Free, coffee & light refreshments, RSVP: 508-423-4089

* Sunday, 2/28, 4th Congressional District of the Mass Republican Assembly Lincoln-Reagan Brunch, Elks Lodge, 4500 N. Main St, Fall River, 10:30AM-12:30PM, $15PP Guests: Christy Mihos, Kamal Jain, Earl Sholley, Marty Lamb, State Rep candidates, RSVP: Linda 508-254-7785

* Thursday, 3/4, Mary Connaughton for Auditor Wine & Cheese reception, home of Jeanne Kangas, 959 Hill Rd, Boxborough, 7-8PM, donations at or at the door, RSVP:

* Saturday, 3/6, Holly Robichaud and Michael Graham will host another Campaign School, 1 Cranberry Hill, Lexington, 9-11AM, RSVP: to attend

* And then to Billerica for a Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner for Selectman Mike Rosa's re-election campaign, Saturday, 3/6, 12-3PM, Solomon Post VFW, Phiney St (off Rt 3A), N. Billerica, $10, RSVP: 978-663-2834

* Thursday, 3/11, Tea Party Candidates Night, 6PM, The Bunting Club, 449 Boylston St, Lowell, statewide & local candidates, FREE, RSVP:

* Saturday, 3/13, Martinez Committee Annual Pre-St. Patty's Day party, 6:30PM, Skellig Pub, Moody St, Waltham, $25 in advance, $35 at the door, RSVP: Nancy or to

* Saturday, 3/13, AttleboroGOP Lincoln Re-Enactors - Civil War History plus breakfast or dinner, Good News Hall, 235 West St, Attleboro, 10AM OR 1PM or 4PM, $15/ person. RSVP: 508-226-8020

* Sunday, 3/14, Karla Romero fundraiser - Wonder Women, Jazz lunch for female candidates, 1PM, Champion's, 234 Main St, Everett, $10,

* Saturday, 4/17, MA GOP Convention, DCU, Worcester

* Thursday, 5/20, GOP Red Sox Game v. Minnesota, $28, RSVP:

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