Thursday, February 18, 2010

Partisan Barney Frank "inheritted this mess!(tm)"

From yesterady's Boston Herald;

“I don’t understand how you make things better from the outside. I share the frustration, but I would have hoped he would have stayed around and voted to change the filibuster rule,” said Frank (D-Mass.), before appearing at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst to sign copies of his biography with author Stuart Weisberg.

On partisanship, Frank said he believes a clear shift began under Republican Newt Gingrich’s tenure as House speaker in the second half of the 1990s.

Before that, he said, Democrats and Republicans could disagree but remain cordial and work toward compromise. Now, though, the pressure to please the party’s base to win primary elections has spawned a Congress in which the sides are “very ideologically differentiated,” he said

Evan Bayh is departing the Senate because it has become too partisan and divisive(and he is eying a run against the plummeting Barack Obama). While he is a good soldier, and will not come right out and say it, contrary to Congressman Frank's partisan remarks, this is a condition of Democrats. Frank blames Republicans, starting in 1994, facetiously failing to mention that the 1994 Republican Revolution was a direct reaction to partisan Democrats trying to cram Hillarycare and other socialism down America's throat. The 2010 Revolution - already begun by Scott Brown - is similarly seeded with Democrat tyrranical partisanship. Remember, just one month ago today, Democrats were stubbornly pushing the socialized medicine plan through congress, despite the fact that it was despised by more than 65% of the country. They were doing so behind closed doors, and without even speaking to Repulicans. Only after Scott Brown was elected did President Obama dust off his old campaign-era term of "bipartisan".

Modern liberal Democrats are the most partisan, anti-constitutional lot in our history, and they drove Evan Bayh out of congress. Republicans have little voice right now, and certainly are not setting the tone in Washington, partisans like Obama, Frank, Pelosi, Markey, Kerry, Boxer, Reid, and Schumer are doing that. But, in true, unaccountable, "Not Me!" Democrat fashion, Barney Frank shamelessly blames the GOP. Frank's solution? Change the filibuster laws so Democrats can go back to running the country via fiat(don't worry, the laws can be reversed as majorities or executives shift, as we saw in Massachusetts with our election laws last year).

Frank supports changing the rules on filibusters, which the minority party - in this case, Republicans - often use to debate bills for so long that an actual vote is prevented.

Yes, that will certainly clear up the partisan rancor inside the Beltway.

Retire this clown, vote for Earl Sholley this November. Besides crumbling our economy through Fannie and Freddie, Barney Frank is a primary contributor to the partisan, ideological mess that is Washington D.C. today. He is very much a part of the problem, Earl Sholley is the cure.


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