Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Voting Brown

Since the Medford Transcript has gotten out of the business of printing letters from readers(3 letters posted since November 15th, one from the Mayor), I will again drop my submission here;

Thousands of Massachusetts residents will be coming out to vote for Scott Brown next week because he is a breath of fresh air in this state. They will be voting for Scott Brown because he is an honorable man, a fiscally responsible leader, and an honest broker, a true rarity in a state capital that produces more felons like Galluccio, Marzilli, DeLeo, Finneran, and Demasi than officers and gentlemen like Scott Brown.

But many of us will also be voting for him because of what he is not. Scott Brown is not what Paul Kirk and Martha Coakley most certainly are - purchasable, reliable, lockstep, 60th votes for Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid on socialized medicine, cap and tax, and every other far left policy that comes before the Senate to be rammed into law against the will of the people for the next 2 years.

Nick McNulty

Medford MA

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