Tuesday, January 5, 2010

LETTER: Mayor says city cannot support Green Line without more information

From the Medford Transcript;

To the editor:

The following letter was sent by Mayor Michael J. McGlynn to Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian A. Bowles in regards to the Green Line Extension Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR):

Please accept this comment letter on the DEIR prepared for the Green Line Extension Project.

The city of Medford has led by example in its support of public transportation and transit oriented development as evidenced by the redevelopment of both the Station’s Landing and River’s Edge projects adjacent to the Wellington Station Orange line.

However, due to the lack of detailed technical analyses, the inability of the State’s Project Director to deliver promises made during this planning process and the insufficiency of mitigation to ameliorate anticipated negative impacts on both residential and commercial properties and therefore the citizens of the city itself, I am prevented from fully embracing the project as proposed at this time.

Be assured that as mayor I support the expansion of public transit service in Medford with the goal of improving air quality and creating transit oriented development. The Green Line Extension originally proposed to the Medford Hillside has the potential of providing benefits in addition to improvement in air quality.

When the Romney Administration proposed substituting other projects for the Green Line, I argued for the project to move ahead and proposed that the project terminus be studied in a DEIR to Mystic Valley Parkway.

Full story

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