Saturday, December 19, 2009

My letter to the Medford Transcript

What a coincidence, Ben Nelson – like Mary Landrieu before him – comes out of Harry Reid’s office with hundreds of millions of dollars in new pork spending for his state hanging out of his pockets, and suddenly announces his principled support for socialized medicine. And like Landrieu, he does so on a Saturday morning when most Americans are not watching the news. Funny how that seems to happen.

I think it is worth mentioning the pivotal role that Deval Patrick, Car Sciortino, Sean Garballey, the rest Massachusetts Legislature, and Paul Kirk played in making this left wing coup possible. Without the unconstitutional changes - supported by Garballey and Sciortino and passed by the Massachusetts House - retroactively granting the Governor’s powers regarding an already open Senate seat, Reid and Obama would have had to buy even more Senators off to pass this debacle, which most Americans now oppose. Federal Democrats knew this, which is why they openly violated Massachusetts sovereignty with the help of Governor Patrick, Obama’s inside man, and mocked our legal system as a state, changing it to suit the national Democrat socialist agenda.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are also very conscious of the fact that Scott Brown is on the horizon, and if he pulls off an upset over the empty suit, lockstep Democrat candidate next month, Brown would have been a reliable vote against the health care socialization coup, and other ill advised spending boondoggles popular amongst American Democrats. This is precisely why Emperor Obama dictated that his puppet congress and senate pass the bill before January and the special election.

Kudos to Deval Patrick, Sean Garballey, and Carl Sciortino, this massive violation of the U.S. Constitution would not have been possible without them.

Nick McNulty
Medford MA

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