Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Message from the Chairman


During the last two weeks of the year when many religious and secular events abound and consume much of our attention, I often like to reflect upon the past year with friends and make wishes for the new year ahead.

First, I would be remiss if I did not thank everyone who contributed their time and support during the year. I specifically want to thank those individuals whose contribution of talent and devotion to service has made my effort to "Grow the Party" and the Medford Committee more successful in so many ways. On behalf of all, let me express my sincere thanks.

Second, the public efforts expressed by those of you who wrote "Letters to the Editor" or "Letters of Praise or Complaint" to public officials and others in defense of the values of our Party along with the effort of the Committee deserve respect for the stamina it takes to sign your name for all to see. Fighting openly for the values we hold and endorsing those we truly believe will support those core issues when elected, is what patriots do.

I am pleased to report that our effort to reach out to other local committees in our region and creating alliances has already begun to pay dividends for all concerned. Our E-Mail Newsletter, Website and especially our Blog are viewed and read across the State. Much praise for our outreach efforts have been received. When your articles and opinions are quoted and copied - you have arrived.

The new year ahead will begin with the largest effort in many a year to reach out to Republicans and activists who are not yet aware of our growing influence and work to support and elect qualified and honorable men and women to public office. Thanks to our new alliances and technology we anticipate further growth to our Committee. While some initiatives need new focus and support to also be successful; I believe more members, provides the opportunity for more success.

Finally, to each and every member of the Medford Republican Committee and also on your behalf; may I wish to one and all, and to friends and family near and far a very Merry Christmas, a joyous and safe Holiday and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Bernie Green
Medford GOP

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