Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scott Brown in the Boston Globe

I think Massachusetts voters should understand that if Scott Brown was the Junior Senator from Massachusetts yesterday, or if that seat remained open, Senator Reid's healthcare bill - which includes full coverage for illegal aliens and tax payer funded abortions - would not have passed for debate. The possibility of a U.S. Senator Scott Brown is what caused the Obama Administration, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid to use so much clout to install Paul Kirk in Kennedy's seat as a reliable vote last month. It is also what is causing them to move mountains and spend hundreds of millions in bribes to Senators like Landrieu and Lincoln to pass this unconstitutional boondoggle before the special election in January here in Massachusetts.

Make no mistake about it, Capuano and Coakley are both left wing hacks that will support whatever Obama and Pelosi tell them to. We've seen this for decades in Massachusetts, with Markey, Frank, Kerry, Kennedy, and our other federal politicians telling us what distinguished, independent-minded courageous leaders they are, only to watch them get elected and jump right into the satchel for the DNC and Democrat Caucus on every issue. Capuano or Coakley will surely support cap-and-trade, Stimulus Part III-X, Fairness Doctrine Part Deux, and most pivotally, the healthcare take over.

Scott Brown - Obama's worst nightmare, and America's best hope to retain their constitutional liberties until the cavalry arrives in 2010.
-Nick McNulty, Medford GOP

Home / Globe / Opinion / Op-ed Scott Brown

Tax cuts and fiscal discipline

By Scott Brown
November 22, 2009

I’M THE candidate running for the US Senate who you may not have heard of before but that you need to get to know. I’ve never served in Washington before. I don’t have Hollywood actors who have endorsed my campaign. I’m not the cautious politician who measures every word. I’m not a megamillionaire.

As a state senator, I’ve stood up to the tax-and-spenders at the State House. I’m a lieutenant colonel in the Army National Guard’s Judge Advocate General Corps. I have two daughters, Ayla, who plays basketball at Boston College, and Arianna, a pre-med student at Syracuse. I’ve been married to my wife, Gail, for more than 23 years.

I’m running because our state is hurting. The unemployment rate continues to rise. The response of the one-party political machine in Massachusetts has been to raise taxes of every type. The race for the Senate comes down to this: all my Democratic opponents will vote to raise taxes even higher, and I will not. Higher taxes will further weaken our economy and put even more people out of work.

I want to cut taxes. Years ago, President Kennedy called for an across-the-board tax cut for families and businesses. Here’s what he said: “Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary and these new jobs and new salaries can create other jobs and other salaries, and more customers and more growth for an expanding American economy.’’

Kennedy understood, as I do, that we can strengthen America by letting people keep more of their own money. That, and not adding to the size and scale of government as we did with the stimulus, is what will get the economy moving.

Another of my priorities is curbing out-of-control federal spending. Recent news out of Washington that US debt has topped $12 trillion for the first time is an urgent reminder of just how much pork barrel spending has bankrupted the budget and tarnished both political parties.
Full column

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