Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Scott Brown in Stoneham this Thursday

This THURSDAY, October 8th, at 7 p.m., Senator Brown will be coming to speak at the Stoneham Republican Town Committee (SRTC) meeting at the Stoneham Public Library, 431 Main Street, Stoneham.

SRTC Chairman Gordon Perks has invited us all to attend and hear from Sen. Brown.

Scott Brown has a strong history of serving in electoral politics. He has been a state senator, a state representative and a selectman from Wrentham where he currently lives with his wife Gail. He has two daughters, Ayla and Arriana. He holds his law degree from BC Law, and a sometimes little known fact is that he is originally from Wakefield and graduated from Wakefield High School!

Scott needs to gather 10,000 certified signatures before the October 20th deadline, which means in reality he will need to gather nearly 20,000 to ensure there are enough to weather challenges. I am helping organize signature collections and hope to have a big push this SATURDAY morning for SCOTT BROWN SIGNATURE COLLECTIONS. Can you help? We need people to go out in teams of two to collect signatures in front of supermarkets, the post office, at sports games, etc. Please email me: MonicaMed@consultant.com if you can help.

Lastly, a date to keep in mind: October 28th - upcoming fundraiser for Scott Brown at Bear Hill. Details to follow.

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