Monday, October 5, 2009


to be comprised of citizens and small business owners only

Calling it another classic example of corruption at the state house, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Christy Mihos called today for emergency legislation which will prohibit the state treasurer or the governor from taking political contributions from firms engaging in business with the Commonwealth's pension fund. "When you see the people who are supposed to be minding the store being co-opted by outside influences you have to respond with tougher ethics statutes within state government. It's essential to guarantee that the vitality and integrity of the state's pension system is in no way compromised," said Mihos, Republican of West Yarmouth.

Mihos was responding to a Boston Herald article in Wednesday's edition which documents significant campaign contributions (more than $70,000) to Treasurer Tim Cahill and Governor Deval Patrick, respectively; the contributions emanating from employees at companies which have direct ties to the pension fund. "The conflict of interest here is so obvious, that even the cynical kaleidoscope of the state house insiders can pick up how wrong it is. A real ethics reform bill with teeth in it will eliminate this, and I'll make it happen as the Reform Republican candidate for governor," said Mihos. "You gotta wonder if the governor and treasurer even have any sense of shame left when they continue to take cash from people who are simply trying to buy influence. It's appalling."

Mihos has refused donations from persons doing business with the state pension system.

The businessman from Cape Cod reiterated his commitment that members of a Mihos administration will not be part of the state pension system. "I'm the only candidate in this race who doesn't have a state pension headed my way. I don't want one. That's not my reason for running. I'm running to bring real, positive change to Massachusetts, and one of our mandates must be real pension reform which goes beyond the window dressing which has been the placebo offered us by my opponents Treasurer Cahill and Governor Patrick."

Mihos said upon assuming office he will convene a special Pension Reform Task Force which will be comprised of working class citizens, academics and small business owners. Mihos said he will specifically prohibit corporate executives from sitting on the task force. Said Mihos, "Too often we see a blue ribbon commission controlled by the rich, corporate insiders. That's not how the Mihos Administration will do business. We want real reform, and that comes from the ideas you get from real, working class people."

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