Friday, February 27, 2009

Out of town criminals to be tried in Medford

Arlington, Mass. - The Cambridge District Court moved into Medford this week, placing itself in the former Cross Country building at 4040 Mystic Valley Pkwy.

Approximately 70 court personnel will occupy the renovated 56,000 square-foot, one-story building, which the Trial Court has leased for five years. The facility provides three courtrooms with sound amplification and digital audio recording capabilities, two jury deliberation rooms and 12 holding cells. The building also provides modern security and HVAC systems, record storage space and on-site parking.

“Obviously, it’s bringing jobs to Medford,” said Mayor Michael McGlynn. “It’s bringing more people who will spend more money into Medford.”

McGlynn said the courts move into the city is a positive one and he didn’t see any potential negative effects.

City Councilor Michael Marks, on the other hand, said the criminal element the court will bring with it outweighs whatever benefits its employees might bring.

“Based on the nature of the business, it could put an additional strain on our Police Department,” said Marks. “I contacted Cambridge police when we were first discussing this and they had a number of assist calls come from the court house. I assume that will be consistent at the new location and will strain our already understaffed Police Department.

Marks said he might feel differently if Medford were one of the communities serviced by the court house. Presently, the Cambridge District Court serves Cambridge, Arlington and Belmont.

“I feel strongly that a court should be housed in one of the areas it services,” Marks said.

In addition, Marks had some concern about accessibility, considering the building’s close proximity to Wellington Circle. The MBTA will provide T bus service to Commercial Street, but these new stops will only see busses frequently in the mornings and evenings.

“Coverage is really going to be limited during the day time,” said Marks.

The state purchased the building from CC Industries Realty Trust last year.

“It’s only going to bring revenue to the city by way of renovations and additional taxes,” said Sidney Wolke, a trustee from CC Industries.

Source:Medford Transcript

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