Saturday, February 28, 2009

Green Line meeting will ponder transportation links to Winchester center

The current phase of the Green Line Extension Project - preparing all necessary state and federal environmental review documents, as well as conceptual engineering materials - is focused on finalizing the best route and station locations for the new public transit service. Additionally, EOTPW is pursuing federal funding assistance for this project as part of the Federal Transit Administration’s discretionary New Starts program.

Winchester, MA - The Winchester Planning Board will be meeting with representatives from Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation on Thursday, March 5, at 7 p.m. in the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Room, 71 Mt. Vernon St., Winchester Town Hall.

Meeting attendants will discuss the expansion of the Green Line to Route 16 in Medford.

The Planning Board’s goal would be to get transportation links from the center of Winchester, Woburn, Winchester Hospital and other locations to the proposed Route 16 Green Line subway stop.

The decision was recently made to extend the Green Line to Route 16, funding permitting. It should provide for a number of economic development opportunities at stops along the Green Line. Coordination of bus lines and other services to this location will be key.

More information is available on the project website at

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