Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Boston Globe: Nassour facing Challenger defends role as GOP head
The same Worcester Republican state committeeman who tried to have the State Republican Party chairwoman removed last month is now challenging her for the post, calling for a series of five debates across the state before the vote.
Bill McCarthy, a Republican activist and political science professor, blasted GOP chairwoman Jennifer Nassour for the party's showing in the November election. Though Republicans picked up seats in the state House, they lost every statewide and congressional election - a disappointment in a year of Republican gains nationally.
McCarthy blames Nassour's focus on the governors race, and he argues she did not do enough to support legislative candidates or to get out the vote. McCarthy said he would focus on redistricting, voter fraud, and the upcoming local elections, as well as rebuilding the GOP grassroots, with an eye toward the Tea Party movement uprising. "The current leadership wasn't as welcoming to the Tea Parties as I am," McCarthy said.
Nassour, who has served a chairwoman for two years, defended her performance and said she paid particular attention to the grass roots, holding training sessions for candidates and for legislators, building up a fund-raising list, and helping to jump-start some 100 new Republican town committees across the state. "This is all about who is best for the Republican Party in Massachusetts and who has the best vision and ideas," she said. "I think that my record speaks for itself. For the first time in 20 years, we actually won seats in the Legislature, having 36 members between the House and Senate is phenomenal for us."
Nassour survived a procedural coup that McCarthy tried to stage at a state committee meeting in November, and she expressed cautious optimism about her reelection. The vote on the chairmanship is planned for January 6th so that the new chairman can participate in the election of the new national chairman the following week, Nassour said. McCarthy is disputing the time frame, suggesting the vote is just after the holidays because Nassour is trying to "fix" the election by scheduling it while people are distracted.
Washington Post: Scanner Companies hiring former federal workers
About 8 in 10 registered lobbyists who work for scanner-technology companies previously held positions in the government or Congress, most commonly in the homeland security, aviation, or intelligence fields, according to a Washington Post review of lobbying-disclosure forms and data.
The extent of the connections to the federal government is particularly notable given the relatively small size of the scanner industry, which is dominated by a half-dozen specialized firms with heavy investments in airport-and border-security technology. Among Washington lobbyists as a whole, 1 in 3 has previously worked in government, according to the Center for Responsible Politics research group.
Many of the scanner companies are also on pace to spend record amounts of money for lobbying this year on Capitol Hill, where they see potential problems as some lawmakers push for limits on airport security practices. Top scanner firms have reported spending more than $6 million on lobbying this year, records show; that doesn't include industrial leaders such as General Electric, which also dabbles in scanning technology and has spent more than $32 million on lobbying this year.
The stepped up lobbying efforts by the industry come amid growing rancor on Capitol Hill over the Transportation Security Administration's use of airport full-body scanners, which are undergoing their first widespread deployment during the holiday travel season. The devices have come under fire from privacy and civil liberties advocates as ineffective and overly invasive because they generate revealing images of passengers.
The agency has purchased nearly 500 of the cutting-edge scanners - at $200,000 or more each - and plans to buy thousands more, meaning any restrictions would pose a major threat to the industry's bottom line. Faced with that threat, the industry made a strong lobbying push over the past two years to help derail any proposed limits, including legislation aimed at restricting or banning the use of full-body scanners by the TSA.
That came after the House stunned the industry last year by overwhelmingly approving a bill by Representative Jason Chaffetze, Republican of Utah who has been named as the incoming chairman of the House homeland-defense subcommittee, forbidding the TSA from using body scanners as primary passenger-screening tools at airports. The vote prompted a frantic scramble by scanner lobbyists to halt the measure in the Senate, according to legislative aides and others familiar with the battle. The effort was bolstered by the failed "underwear bomber" plot, which hastened calls for increased scanner use, last December.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Campaign Training: Vital to Success
The message for all citizens is that this is the time for Massachusetts to join the other states that require a valid Voter ID to be produced - prior to voting. Every member of the state legislature, who makes excuses for further delays, needs to be driven from office. Until the integrity of every election is beyond question, our republic is under threat and our freedoms will soon become only myths.
Candidates for municipal office as well as state legislative office, whether first time or fourth time, need to be familiar with the skills, systems, and techniques necessary to reach out to voters and find the resources to pay for it all. Categories of systems and services such as conventional phone banks or voIP systems; computers, answering machines and cell phones; public, private and GOP data bases; and tables, chairs, lawn signs, bumper stickers-just to name the obvious must be in hand. Campaign Chairs, Finance Directors, Treasurers, Field Directors, Volunteer Coordinators and Consultants must also be in place.
For local committees, expansion of their 'ground game' which includes standouts, demonstrations, lit drops, door bell ringers, and Poll Watchers inside and outside is critical. By adding to our numbers with non-affiliated sympathizers we will be better prepared to deal with the paid thugs who invade our polling stations.
We also plan to provide information for our committee members and to our neighbors thoughout the year so the coordination between local committees and candidates are seamless. Volunteers to staff year-round 'Get out Our Vote' communications to voters must begin.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
'Growing Grassroots' Conference in February
Building on the success of the seminars held in several locations across the state during 2010, the conference will feature campaign experts from inside and outside Massachusetts, including an encore session by GOPAC, the national party organization dedicated to training and electing GOP candidates. "We know training is a key element in building our farm team of candidates and our grassroots of activists, and that is why we are excited to build on the popularity of this year's seminars with the party's first ever grassroots conference," said Jennifer Nassour, chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party.
Conference sessions will cover running for municipal and legislative seats, building city and town committees, how to be a super-star activist, and much more. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Republican Party, the conference seeks to bring together Republicans from across the state for a full day of informative and inspirational sessions. Saturdays sessions will be followed by an optional Sunday morning program of roundtables and group discussions. Those considering attending the conference are advised to keep checking the conference website for more details.
CommonWealth Magazine: Should we subsidize Canadian Hydro?
Republican Charlie Baker may not have won the race for governor, but his idea to import more hydroelectric power from Canada isn't going away.
Canadian Provinces are eager to do business and several Massachusetts business groups are quietly talking the idea up. They see Canadian hydropower as the best way to keep electricity costs stable while meeting the state's environmental goals on renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One business group hasn't gone public yet but is drafting legislation that would classify large-scale Canadian hydro as renewable and therefore eligible for renewable energy subsidies paid for by utility ratepayers.
Most people would agree that hydroelectricity is as renewable as rain and a very low emitter of greenhouse gases, but Massachusetts officials chose not to designate large-scale hydro as renewable when they passed the Green Communities Act of 2008. Their decision was based less on concerns about the environmental impact of dam-created reservoirs on habitat and wildlife, and more on the fear that low-cost hydro from Canada would overwhelm the renewable energy market in Massachusetts, depressing demand for more expensive wind and solar projects that the state was eager to jumpstart.
Massachusetts and most other New England states operate a subsidy system designed to encourage the development of renewable energy. Companies that produce qualifying renewable energy generate renewable energy credits, or RECs, for each kilowatt hour of power they produce. The RECs are sold to companies that sell electricity to customers. The state currently requires the electricity sellers to buy RECs equal to 5 percent of their sales. The mandate rises one percentage point a year, so that by 2025 the electricity sellers will have to buy RECs equal to 20 percent of their sales.
During the gubernatorial campaign, Baker said the rising demand for renewable energy and the scarity of supplies mean electricity prices will keep going up. He said the state should designate large-scale hydro-power from Canada as renewable as a way of meeting the state's environmental goals and holding electricity prices down.
But Gov. Deval Patrick said he didn't favor paying subsidies to large-scale hydro produces in Canada who could afford to sell their electricity in New England without subsidies. He also feared the inclusion of Canadian hydo would dampen enthusiasm for home-grown wind and solar projects.
Canadian provinces are eager to become much bigger players in the New England energy market. Quebec-owned Hydro-Quebec is working with Northeast Utilities and NStar to gain approvals for a transmission line that would deliver approximately 1200 megawatts of hydroelectricity to a substation in New Hampshire. Nalcor Energy, which is owned by Newfoundland and Labrador, is developing a hydro power station in Labrador and a transmission line that would deliver the power to Nova Scotia and eventually New England.
A spokesman for Hydro-Quebec declined to comment on whether the company would like to see its hydroelectricity qualify for renewable energy credits. A spokesman for NStar also declined comment.
But sources say the utilities are quietly laying the groundwork for a legislative change. Some industry officials even suggest Hydro-Quebec may need the subsidies to make its power competitive in the New England market.
Hydro-Quebec signed a 26-year power deal with Vermont utilities this summer to supply approximately 225 megawatts of electricity to the Green Mountain state. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Hydro-Quebec President Thierry Vandal was quoted as saying the intial price in 2012 would be 6 cents a kilowatt hour, a third of what Cape Wind power will cost. The Vermont deal also gave Hydro-Quebec a public relations victory when the Vermont legislature passed a law recognizing large-scale hydro as a form of renewable energy. Quebec Premier Jean Charest, at the official announcement of the Vermont deal in August, used the Vermont designation to make his case for expansion into the New England states.
"We do not want large-scale hydro to be discriminated against," Charest said. "Our view is that the United States will not be able to meet the objectives of a low-carbon economy without this energy. So it represents a win-win for everyone."
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Timothy E. Donovan, Dead at 78
Funeral arrangements are provided by the Beals-Geake-Magliozzi Funeral Home 29 Governors Avenue in Medford. Visiting Hours will be between 4:00PM and 8:00PM on Thursday. Funeral Mass and burial will begin Friday morning at 9:00AM.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
MCFL welcomes House wins
Dear Ms. Nassour,
Along with the rest of the state, we at Massachusetts Citizens for Life have been looking at the election results. There are a couple of important facts to which we would like to draw your attention.
Most of the newly elected State Representatives in Massachusetts are pro-life. We are delighted by this outcome.
In addition, the huge Republican sweep across the country was accomplished by pro-life candidates. The Republican wins in Massachusetts were almost entirely reserved to those candidates who are willing to defend human life.
Looking at the data, it seems obvious that the lack of "surge" in Massachusetts is attributable to the fact that the statewide candidates were led by a man who described himself as "To the left of Obama on social issues" and were coached by professional consultants who told them to steer clear of anything that sounded pro-life. That was bad advice.
For many election cycles now, Republicans have been winning nationally running with pro-life positions. The Republican win of note over that time in Massachusetts was Scott Brown. Senator Brown took pro-life positions on the legislative issues facing the US Senate. The factor which propelled him to victory was his promise to be the "41st vote" against pro-abortion, pro-rationing Obamacare. He was also helped by Martha Coakley's "Shannon O'Brien moment" when Ms. Coakley said that pro-life people should not be allowed to work in emergency rooms.
Keep in mind, as of 10/13/2010 the number of registered Republicans in MA has dropped to a new low of 474,798 voters, representing a mere 11.33% of all voters. If the GOP leadership wants the State Republican Party to remain relevant, they must reconsider their advocacy of candidates who are "left of Obama" and adopt true Republican Principles.
We respectfully suggest that in reviewing your statewide losses, you learn from the local successful legislative races and listen to those newly elected who embraced the value of life. In setting a course for the future, the leadership of the MA State GOP should embrace, and not abandon, the core principle on which it was founded - the defense of Life.
We would respectfully suggest that leaders on the party in this state meet with successful national Republicans to understand better the role of life issues. Of course, we would be happy to meet with you locally as well.
Anne Fox, President
GOP Chair on hot seat after dismal Election
GOP State Committeeman Bill McCarthy had announced that he would push for a vote to remove Nassour at the November GOP meeting in Newton. McCarthy said "I've spoken to a number of candidates who have won and they either received no help or very little help."
Nassour spent $1.2 million on Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker's ads. She also spent at least $132,000 to help congressional candidates. Baker and the nine GOP Congressional candidates all lost. The GOP more than doubled its seats in the state House of Representatives from 16 to 34 - but that's still too few to influence most House votes.
The chairwoman of the state Republican Party used rulings by the party's parliamentarian, secretary and lawyer at the November 17th meeting, who said that McCarthy had not followed the procedure outlined in the By-Laws to call for a 'Special Meeting' to remove the chair, in order to stop any effort to replace Nassour prior to the required election for Party Chair at the yet to be announced January 2011 meeting.
Click here to see related story.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
TARS Come to Medford
As previously reported in August teens from several New England States met in Arlington to organize the New England Federation of Teenage Republicans and later the Massachusetts Assembly of Teenage Republicans and also select Officers to create an umbrella for the young Republicans in the various New England States to organize existing Clubs and start new ones.
In an e-mail update, Trent who is the Interim Chairman of the new Medford HS Club stated his hope to interact to work with and communicate closely with the Medford Republican City Committee. Committee Chair Bernie Green, who met Sullivan at the NFTAR and MATAR organizational meeting in August stated that he would "welcome the opportunity to work closely with the Medford TAR's group" and hopes that Sullivan and the members of the new Club will feel welcome to attend the business meetings of the City Committee and report on their activities to our members. Green noting Sullivan's request for speakers to appear at their meetings said he would be happy to provide a list of notable speakers. City Committee Treasurer Mark Crowley revealed recently that he had been an active member of a TAR's group when he was a student at Melrose High School and was familiar with their goals.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Upgrades in Voter ID Laws Needed
The federal Help America Vote Act mandates that all states require identification from first-time voters who register to vote by mail and did not provide verification with their mail-in voter registration. Twenty six states have broader voter identifiation requirements that what HAVA mandates. In these states, all voters are asked to show identification prior to voting. Eight of these states specify that voters must show a photo ID; the other eighteen states accept additional forms of identification that do not necessarily include a photo. In no state is a voter who cannot produce identification turned away from the polls - all states have some sort of recourse for voters without identifiation to cast a vote. However in Georgia and Indiana, voters without ID vote a provisional ballot, and must return to election officials within a few days and show a photo ID in order for their votes to be counted.
Click here to view video.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Next Meeting of Medford GOP Wednesday October 27th
Reports of sub-committees on Membership Outreach, President's Day and Election Day and Candidates are on the agenda.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
In Memorium: Mildred Fay Jefferson MD
"I am at once a physician, a citizen and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the priviliged, and the planned have the right to live" - Mildred Fay Jefferson
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dr. Mildred Jefferson, dead at 84
In spite of all these accomplishments, she is probably best known for her support for the right-to-life movement. Jefferson helped found the National Right to Life Committee and served three terms as its president. She was a member of Black Americans for Life and led the Right to Life Crusade for the last 33 years. She was held in high esteem by Feminists for Life and other pro-life feminists. At the time of her death Dr. Jefferson was serving on the Board of Directors for more than 30 pro-life organizations. Years ago, she ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in Massachusetts. More recently in August, Jefferson was named as an adult supervisor to the newly formed Massachusetts Assembly of Teenage Republicans and the New England Federation of TARS.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Standout for Dave Carnevale - Sat, October 16
For more info, contact info@davecarnevale.com
Monday, October 4, 2010
Campaign 2010: Dembrowski impressed by Brazilian voting Procedures and Technology
In an interview with Brazilian TV reporter Luciana Almeida of BTN, Dembrowski stated "I am very impressed by the turnout of Brazilians who cherish their mandatory right to vote." According to the BTN reporter, officials were expecting over 12,000 to show up and vote. Dembrowski remarked that unlike Massachusetts, voters in Brazil are required to present their Voter ID before being allowed to vote.
When asked about Americans voting overseas, Dembrowski noted that although our military fights to protect the rights of citizens in other countries to vote and change their leaders, few act to protect the right of our military men and women to vote in a safe and secure manner and be assured that their votes will be counted on time back home. Most members of the military wishing to vote use paper Absentee Ballots which is an archiac (World War II type) absentee voting system; and because of the time required to return them to their communities, large numbers of the military ballots are not counted.
Asked about his prediction about the upcoming election in Massachusetts and whether voters will turnout in large numbers Dembrowski answered "I hope so," adding "Americans should value their right to vote" and use that right to change their government.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Examiner Editorial: Obamacare is even worse than critics thought
Click here to read more.
Dembrowski Reception at Lucia's Ristorante
For further information or to make reservations RSVP Jessbarnes@gerry2010.com.
Friday, October 1, 2010
QUESTION 2: Repeal and Reform 40B
The proposed changes would repeal an existing State law that allows a qualified organization or developer wishing to build housing the ability to circumvent local zoning laws and regulations that are often based on natural and man-made infrastructural limitations and the impact to local communities, by including government-subsidized housing that includes low and moderate income income units to apply for a single comprehensive permit, thus shortening the time needed to prepare a response to such proposals. Developers can force a City or Town to allow such developments even if the local ZBA denies the comprehensive permit as unreasonable and inconsistent with local needs such as the costs related to overcoming natural limits such as topography and the ability to supply water and treat waste.
Most low and moderate income based units included as part of such developments are phased out after a 20-30 year period and revert to market pricing. The time limits are favored by developers because sooner or later when the subsidized housing units revert to market pricing the State will insist that the local community allow new housing development and increase the population further to meet the latest State standard.
Click here to read further details.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Campaign 2010: Jehlen admits to breaking Law
Monday, September 27, 2010
Campaign 2010: Dembrowski and Markey talk about Term Limits
Click here for full story
Friday, September 17, 2010
Campaign 2010: South Carolina's DeMint becoming Force for Change
His latest and most hostile fued within the party machine came in Deleware, where DeMint openly fought with Republican leaders in a contest between moderate Republican Rep. Michael Castle and tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell. While Republican leaders openly attacked O'Donnell's campaign - the state party chairman called her a fraud who couldn't get elected dogcatcher - DeMint gave her money and a key endorsement. She pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the year, just after another stunning result in Alaska in which underdog Joe Miller beat Sen. Lisa Murkowski. DeMint maintains that the only way for Republicans to regain the majority is to stand more firmly by its beliefs, not to shy away from them, even if that means short-term losses. Insiders are concerned that Sen. DeMint and Gov. Palin may be pushing the party to far-right to win in November and control the direction of Congress next year.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Campaign 2010: Tierney claims he was Ignored
Medford Republican City Committee Chairman Bernie Green responded to the suggestion that his Committee was inactive by saying "If Mr. Tierney really wanted to reach most of the committees he named he could have checked on the Internet. Most of us have Web-sites or Blogs that list our contact information and several are on Facebook or other sites that also have Links to us." Green added "While some of his 'street work' (sic) was underway He could of checked with some of the cable access channels and discovered that Medford video tapes its meetings and distributes them for broadcast."
Green who is also a State Committee Member representing several of the communities named and one community in the District not named called Tierney a RINO who is the 'straw man' in the race hoping to confuse voters with fabrications and distortions. "Even his home town of Framingham didn't believe in his candidacy" he added.
Full Story
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dembrowski Reception at Great Manderin
Winchester Republican Fundraiser Set
Several candidates for elected office have been invited and are expected to make remarks. The invited guest speakers include: George Georgountzos, Esq., candidate for State Representative, David Carnevale candidate for State Senate for the 2nd Middlesex District, Bill Campbell, Esq., candidate for Secretary of State, Dr. Gerry Dembrowski candidate for US Congress and State Senator Richard Tsei candidate for Lt. Governor.
The annual event is expected to provide funds that will be donated to various campaigns by the two groups. For further information call Susan Lance at 781-874-9521.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Reminder: Next meeting of Medford GOP this week (Thur, Sept 9)
Attorney General candidate Guy Carbone of Belmont has been invited to appear at the September meeting in the Magoun Room. Carbone a practicing Attorney and former MDC Commisioner, is running a write-in/sticker campaign and has announced plans to mail out 70,000 stickers across the State to likely voters which he hopes will write-in his name or attach a sticker to the Primary Ballot in September. In order to appear on the Ballot for the General Election Carbone needs to garner more than 10,000 votes and prevail in the Primary.
Governors Council 6th District candidate Paul Carruccio, a local businessman, has also been invited to appear and meet members of the Committee and interested voters in the Community.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Next Meeting of Medford GOP - September 9th
Attorney General candidate Guy Carbone of Belmont has been invited to appear at the September meeting in the Magoun Room. Carbone a practicing Attorney and former MDC Commisioner, is running a write-in/sticker campaign and has announced plans to mail out 70,000 stickers across the State to likely voters which he hopes will write-in his name or attach a sticker to the Primary Ballot in September. In order to appear on the Ballot for the General Election Carbone needs to garner more than 10,000 votes and prevail in the Primary.
Governors Council 6th District candidate Paul Carruccio, a local businessman, has also been invited to appear and meet members of the Committee and interested voters in the Community.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Republican Teens Organize
The August evening meeting was led by Sean Harrington, the Arlington High School student who has received much media attention concerning his call for the display of an American Flag in each Arlington classroom and more recently for the recitation of the 'Pledge of Allegiance' at the beginning of the school day. A battle now mostly won in early August by a carefully crafted vote of the Arlington School Committee ensuring that the voluntary recitation by any student so desiring will have the opportunity to do so each school day. The vote of the School Board also prevents the punishment of any student, teacher or administrator for not saying it.
The students who also previously attended a meeting of the National Federation of Teenage Republicans (TARS), which later included a tour of the Capitol in mid July, and meetings with several elected officials including U.S. Senator Scott Brown and Congressman Ron Paul. Incoming Arlington High School senior Sean Harrington who was an in-studio guest on several local Radio Talk shows when the story of his efforts were first reported, more recently made Fox News Network appearances on 'Fox and Friends' and the Glenn Beck TV programs.
Medford Republican City Committee Chairman and State Committeeman Bernard Green and Dr. Mildred Jefferson have been named as adult supervisors to the new Massachusetts Federation of Teenage Republicans and the New England Federation of TARS. Working with the National Federation Jefferson and Green will attend meetings, provide assistance and supervise their activities.
Area Candidates Shift into High Gear
The summer calendar of 'social' activities have included BBQ feasts and finger food extravaganza's held at private homes; "Meet and Greet" events at local eateries and pubs, VFW Halls and Country Clubs; and 'Entertainment programs' such as the one held at the North Shore Music Theatre by 6th District Congressional Candidate Bill Hudak.
'Retail Politics' underway include a whill-wind of door-to-door reach-outs to voters at home, at food markets, post offices, senior citizen events, and at parades and religious festivals.
A flood of Lawn Signs are beginning dot the Landscape and Stand Outs on street corners across the area are becoming more frequent as the Primary and General Election days arrive. Meanwhile calls to likely voters are asking for support and reminding some of the convenience of Absentee Ballot voting in advance at local City or Town Halls.
Billboard Advertising has also begun to appear on behalf of Dr. Gerry Dembrowski who is a candidate in the 7th District for U.S. Congress against Cong. Ed Markey. The first two billboards (the new electronic type) were 'lit up' on August 1st facing northbound traffic of I-93 in Stoneham and facing southbound traffic on I-93 in Medford.
Plans to jump into the frey and add to the building momentum include 'stand-outs' on street corners in Medford which are being scheduled now for August and early September by the Medford Committee. The Committee is reaching out to local candidates seeking to add sign holders from around the area to it's volunteers. Anyone wishing to participate is asked to call any Officer or contact the Committee by e-mail at MedfordGOP@gmail.com.
Green Elected to State Committee
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Reminder: Next Medford GOP meeting on Wednesday, July 14
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck'
From the Wall Street Journal
President Obama said earlier this year that the health-care bill that Congress passed three months ago is "essentially identical" to the Massachusetts universal coverage plan that then-Gov. Mitt Romney signed into law in 2006. No one but Mr. Romney disagrees.
As events are now unfolding, the Massachusetts plan couldn't be a more damning indictment of ObamaCare. The state's universal health-care prototype is growing more dysfunctional by the day, which is the inevitable result of a health system dominated by politics.
In the first good news in months, a state appeals board has reversed some of the price controls on the insurance industry that Gov. Deval Patrick imposed earlier this year. Late last month, the panel ruled that the action had no legal basis and ignored "economic realties."
Read more
Friday, July 2, 2010
Next Meeting of Medford GOP - July 14
All are welcome!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Medford City Hall closed to "observe" Bunker Hill Day
It's insulting enough that this "hack holiday" meant no one was working on Beacon Hill. However, the bigger question: Why does the city of Medford, firmly planted in Middlesex county, "observe" a Suffolk County holiday?
The Massachusetts Senate voted recently to eliminate this "hack holiday" along with that other bogus holiday, Evacuation Day. (see article) It's time Medford does the same.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Mass GOP Town Committee Bootcamp
CLICK HERE to learn more
Please email khughes@massgop.com to sign up.
Upcoming Dates and locations are:
Saturday, June 19, 2010- 10 am to 4 pm (With Lunch & Snacks)
American Legion, 41 Wendell Ave, Pittsfield, MA
Sunday, June 27, 2010 11:00 am to 5:00 pm (With Lunch & Snacks)
American Legion, 437 Newport Ave, Attleboro, MA
Monday, May 17, 2010
Reminder: Next Meeting on Thursday, May 20
Election of Ward Committee officers is on the agenda.
We hope to see you there.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Medford Holds Tea Party Rally (Medford Transcript)
(From the Medford Transcript)

Green, the chairman of the Medford Republican City Committee, was referring to the sign he was holding as part of the Tea Party demonstration on April 15. The hand printed sign featured a quote from President Thomas Jefferson, which read, “When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.”
“That’s why we’re here today,” Green said. “Our government is becoming more and more intrusive in our lives and with our liberties, and people have had enough.”
— For more on this story, check out this week’s Medford Transcript April 22 edition.
Monday, April 12, 2010
See how much of your wealth Democrats are redistributing
From Fox News;
Enter your income for calculation.
Topic:Economic Stimulus
Total Allocated Cost:$862,000,000,000 *
In February 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. In early 2009, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Recovery Act's combined spending and tax provisions would cost $787 billion. In early 2010, CBO updated its estimate of the cost of the Recovery Act. It now estimates that the Recovery Act will cost $75 billion more than originally estimated - CBO now anticipates that the 2009 Stimulus will increase deficits by $862 billion over ten years.
About Our Calculations
Relative Tax Burden: The share of the total federal income tax paid by everyone in each adjusted gross income group.
Average Taxpayer Share: FOXNews.com is projecting the share of a program's cost for one individual in each specified adjusted gross income category. The projections are based on many assumptions with respect to future income groups, future tax burdens, future federal revenues by source, and other details. The assumptions underlying these projections may be modified from time to time to reflect changed circumstances.
Note for Annual Income $250,000 and Above: The top income category, $250,000 or more, has no upper limit and includes extremely high-income individuals who raise the average share of program costs for most people in this category.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Demonstrations abound in area
Medford will be the host City for one of several Tea Party demonstrations that will be held across the State on April 15th. Residents and neighbors from other communities are expected to converge at the heavily traveled intersection of the Fellsway (Rt 28) and Salem Street (Rt 60) between 4PM and 6PM. The largely non-partisan demonstration attracted a sizable number of Republicans, Democrats and Independent voters when a similar protest was held at the same location last year. The purpose of the event is to show the continued and large opposition to changes in the laws by Congress allowing increased government intervention in the lives and liberties of all citizens. Members of Republican Committees and Tea Party Groups in other communities have been advised about the demonstration hoping to further increase participation.
Members of a group calling themselves the 'Lucidicus Project' are planning a protest demonstration in front of Congressman Ed Markey's District Office in Medford Square on April 16th.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Chairman's message: Tea Party standout 4/15
Barry Greenspan is leading our effort to organize another Tea Party standout at the corner of Salem Street and (Rt 16) the Fellsway. He has sent out 'Press Releases' to several local papers announcing the "Standout" on April 15th. The event is announced to begin at 4:00PM and end at 6:00PM.
Hand-made signs are great, a few sticks are available. Barry has some topics and phrases for those who need assistance. A few tri-corner hats (if inexpensive and available) would garner attention! Additional suggestions are welcome.
Spread the word - Medford on April 15th.
Would the Founders Love ObamaCare?

Daniel Henninger
Wall Street Journal
The resistance to ObamaCare is about a lot more than the 10th Amendment.
The left-wing critics are right: The rage is not about health care. They are also right that similar complaints about big government were heard during the New Deal and the Great Society, and the sky didn't fall.
But what if this time the sky is falling—on them.
What if after more than a century of growth in the national government, starting with the Progressive Era, the American people are starting to push back. Not just the tea partiers or the 13 state attorneys general seeking protection under the 10th Amendment and the Commerce Clause. But something bigger than that.
The Democratic left, its pundits and academics criticizing the legal challenges to ObamaCare seem to be arguing that their version of our political structure is too big to change.
That's not true. The American people can and do change the nation's collective mind on the ordering of our political system. The civil rights years of the 1960s is the most well-known modern example. (The idea that resistance to Mr. Obama's health plan is rooted in racist resentment of equal rights is beyond the pale, even by current standards of political punditry.)
Powerful political forces suddenly seem to be in motion across the U.S. What they have in common is anxiety over what government has become in the first decade of the 21st century.
The tea party movement is getting the most attention because it is the most vulnerable to the standard tool kit of mockery and ridicule. It is more difficult to mock the legitimacy of Scott Brown's overthrow of the Kennedy legacy, the election results in Virginia and New Jersey, an economic discomfort that is both generalized and specific to the disintegration of state and federal fiscs, and indeed the array of state attorneys general who filed a constitutional complaint against the new health-care law. What's going on may be getting past the reach of mere mockery.
Constitutional professors quoted in the press and across the Web explain that much about the federal government's modern authority is "settled" law. Even so, many of these legal commentators are quite close to arguing that the national government's economic and political powers are now limitless and unfettered. I wonder if Justice Kennedy believes that.
Or as David Kopel asked on the Volokh Conspiracy blog: "Is the tax power infinite?"
Announcement from Green Line Extension Project Team
Dear Green Line Extension Friends -
As part of the upcoming Preliminary Engineering phase of the Green Line Extension project, MassDOT will assemble a group of local citizens, MBTA officials, municipal representatives and business representatives to form the Green Line Extension (GLX) Design Working Group. This working group will advise MassDOT on the design of six new stations proposed for the neighborhoods of Brickbottom, Gilman Square, Lowell Street, Ball Square, College Avenue, and Union Square, as well as the Community Path, relocation of Lechmere Station and construction of a vehicle maintenance facility. Working group members will review design plans, gather and share local input and help plan public design events. On average, the group will meet quarterly, although there may be more frequent meetings as Preliminary Engineering begins. MassDOT is committed to a strong public outreach process that will help create a Green Line Extension that best meets the needs of future riders, the corridor municipalities and the MBTA.
To help make this working group as productive as possible, MassDOT is asking interested individuals to fill out a brief application to be considered for membership on the GLX Design Working Group. MassDOT is seeking individuals who live in the three project corridor municipalities (Cambridge, Somerville and Medford), are familiar with the neighborhoods around the proposed facilities, and are users of the MBTA system. For more information and a copy of the application, please visit the Green Line Extension project website here. Hard copies of the application will also be available at your local library or town clerk’s office or can be requested by calling or emailing Regan Checchio (617-357-5772, rchecchio@reginavilla.com).
Interested parties should send their application, along with contact information, to Ms. Katherine Fichter at katherine.fichter@state.ma.us or at MassDOT, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4150, Boston, MA 02116. All applications should be received by April 30, 2010. We anticipate announcing the members of the group in mid-May.
Please share this email and application with anyone who may be interested in this project.
Thank you for your interest and cooperation.
The Green Line Extension Project Team
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Antonette Marcella
Obituary as appearing in today's Boston Globe;
Antonette (Luongo) Marcella
MARCELLA, Antonette (Luongo) Of Medford formerly of East Boston, March 26. Beloved wife of the late Louis. Devoted mother of Judith and Michael Marcella both of Medford. Sister of Alfred Luongo, Grace Zuccaro, Helen Pellecchia all of East Boston, George Luongo of South Boston, Frank Luongo of Florida and the late Carmela Luongo. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Funeral from the Dello Russo Funeral Home, 306 Main St., MEDFORD, Tuesday at 9 AM followed by a funeral mass celebrated in St. Clement Church, 71 Warner St., Medford, at 10 AM. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours Monday 4 - 8. Services will conclude with burial at Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be sent in Antonette's name to the American Diabetes Association , 330 Congress St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02210 or Boys Town, 13603 Flanagan Blvd., Boys Town, Nebraska 68010. For directions, obituary, and guestbook dellorusso.net Dello Russo Family Funeral Homes 781-396-9200 Medford-Woburn-Wilmington