Sunday, November 17, 2013

Should Students Learn Cursive?

The swirling lines from Linden Bateman's pen have been conscripted into a national fight to keep cursive writing in American classrooms.  Cursive.  Penmanship.  Handwriting.  In years gone by, it helped distinguish the literate from the illiterate.

But now, in the digital age, people are increasingly communicating by computer and smartphone.  No handwritten signature necessary.  Call it a sign of the times.  When the new Common Core educational standards were crafted, penmanship classes were dropped.  But at least seven of the 45 states that adopted the standards are fighting to restore the cursive instruction.


Bateman, a 72-year old state representative from Idaho, says cursive conveys intelligence and grace, engages creativity and builds brain cells.  "Modern research indicates that more areas of the human brain are engaged when children use cursive handwriting than when they keyboard" said Bateman, who handwrites 125 ornate letters each year.  "We're not thinking this through.  It's beyond belief to me that states have allowed cursive to slip from the standards."


State leaders who developed Common Core -- a set of preferred K-12 course offerings for public schools -- omitted cursice for a host of reasons, including an increasing need for children in a digital-heavy age to master computer keyboarding and evidence that even most adults use some hybrid of classic cursive and print in every day life.   "If you just stop and think for a second about what are the skills that people are likely to be using in the future, it's much more likely that keyboarding will help students in careers and in schools than it is that cursive will," said Morgan Polikoff, an assistant professor of K-12 policy and leadership at the University of Southern California.


States that adopted Common Core aren't precluded from deviating from the standards.  But in the world of education, where classroom time is limited and performance stakes are high, optional offerings tend to get sidelined in favor of what's required.

That's why at least seven states -- California, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Utah -- have moved to keep the cursive requirement.  Legislation passed in North Carolina and elsewhere couples cursive with memorization of multiplication tables as twin "back to basics" mandates.

Cursive advocates cite recent brain science that indicates the fluid motion employed when writing script enhances hand-eye coordination and develops fine motor skills, in turn prompting reading, writing and cognition skills.   They further argue that scholars of the future will lose the ability to interpret valuable cultural resources -- historical documents, ancestor's letters and journals, handwritten scholarship -- if they can't read cursive.  If they can't write it, how will they communicate from unwired settings like summer camp or the battlefield?  "The Constitution of the United States is written in cursive.  Think about that," Bateman said.


All the fuss seems a bit loopy to certain members of Gen X, Y and Z -- which have diverged increasingly from handwriting to computers.   The volume of first class mail at the U.S. Postal Service fell in 2010 to its lowest level in a quarter-century, just as computer use -- and the keyboarding it involves -- was surging.  Some 95 percent of teens use the internet, and the percentage using smartphones to go online has grown from 23 percent in 2011 to 37 percent today, according to the Pew Research Center.  A 2012 Pew report found the volume of text messages among teens rose from 50 a day on average in 2008 to 60 a day on average two years later.

Pew research has also shown that educators don't necessarily think that's a bad thing.  A survey

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank Our Veterans

The Land of the Free because of the Brave

By Charlie Baker

For the past few years, a friend of mine who spent four years in the Marine Corps has invited me to the Maine Corps birthday celebration at the South Boston Convention Center.   It's quite a scene - 2,000 men, a handful of women, a boatload of beer, and a ton of pomp and circumstance.

Amidst the 'hoorah' there are moments that stay with me for months: stories of profound heroism and gargantuan courage under extraordinary situations, spellbinding speeches that powerfully express what it means to be part of one the world's finest military organizations, and ritual that has its origins in the founding of this great nation.

But the moments that I never forget are the ones that come when the Corps honors the mothers and fathers among them who have lost their sons and daughters on the field of battle.   As their names, along with the names of their fallen children, are read, they stand and turn towards the crowd.   The applause starts loud and then explodes, as 2,000 men and women of all ages stand and honor those who have paid the highest price a parent can pay in defense of their country.   It is beyond moving.   It tugs at the heart and sears the soul, and it speaks volumes about how high the stakes are every time a parent sends a son or daughter off to war.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "The land of the free because of the brave."   True enough.   The men and women who choose to serve in our military are, indeed, very special, and so are their families.   Please take the time this Veteran's Day to honor their commitment to us, their love for the country, and their unflinching willingness to put themselves in harm's way.

Thanks - and God Bless America.

Business Lobby Seeks a More "Governable" GOP

By Geoffrey Lysaught

Even before Democrat Terry McAuliffe narrowly defeated Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the governor's race, lobbyists representing the business community were rethinking their relationship with the GOP and planning to challenge conservative incumbents in next year's primaries.

Their goal: to replace principled conservatives with candidates who will be more protective of Big Business interests.   As U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue put it, his group will get involved in primary races to produce a "more governable Republican party."

Which is why the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which says it's strictly in "the wins business," is threatening more electoral intervention.   "There's no rules," NRSC executive director Rob Collins said.   "The path to getting a general election candidate who can win is the only thing we care about."

This shift will certainly surprise those who naively believed that the grassroots Tea Party movement was a creation of big business.   But "Tea Party as a Wall Street front group" has been a popular belief among the left for years.

To read the rest of the story, click here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

CNN Places Blame on Democrats

Holy Crap. CNN is Correctly Placing Blame On Democrats

Someone Pinch Me.  It's Like a Christmas Miracle

According to CNN, Senate Democrats are to blame for all of these insurance companies cancelling policies all over the country.   They voted unanimously, you see, to support the very Obamacare rule which is responsible for this happening.   And here's the Kicker.   This was THREE YEARS AGO, when Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to PREVENT policies from being cancelled.  

At the time, Republican Senator Grassley said, "The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality.   Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people that if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it.   But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to prevail on this piece of legislation as well.   The administration's own regulations prove this is not the case.   Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House's own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans."

It's almost as if everything that Republicans have been warning people about for the past three years is all coming true, right in front of our very eyes.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Justice Scalia: "That's Democracy Baby"

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was the featured speaker at Tufts University's seventeenth annual Richard E. Snyder President's Lecture series on Wednesday afternoon October 2nd. 

A great speech at which remarked that he was a Constutionalist, interpreting the intentions off the framer's and the citizens who voted to radify it.

against courts making law - a power of the Congress.  A democracy allows states right's, it is often innaprriate for congress to legislate when the states should be enacting law.  The framers intended that each soverin state could make theire own laws different from others.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

'Strawman' Returns Again

Mr.Thomas Tierney, a resident of Framingham, who has a long-time history of "running" in both Democratic and Republican primaries for Representative in Congress "against" Edward Markey has again filed sufficient signatures in order to have his name appear on the Republican Ballot in the Special Election Primary for the 5th Congressional District to be held on October 15th.

In 2010, Tierney claimed in press releases that he was being ignored by several GOP City and Town Committees, and when it was shown that neither he or anyone representing him had made any efforts to reach out, the claim was withdrawn.   Dr. Gerry Dembrowski of Woburn defeated Tierney in the 2010 GOP Primary and went on to lose the General Election to Markey.

In 2012, Tierney ran again as a Republican and while ignored as a 'Strawman' for Ed Markey by many GOP groups he bested Frank Addivinola and Jeff Semon in the Republican Primary.  Shortly thereafter Tierney was no where to be seen allowing Markey to coast to victory.

Again this year three names will appear on the 2013 Special Election Republican Primary Ballot.  Observers and some local Chairs fear that Frank Addivinola and Mike Stopa, who are known Republicans, will be defeated by Tierney again taking advantage of a last-minute advertising and phone banking blitz supported by deep-pocketed Democratic groups.  The goal again appears to allow the winner of the Democrat Primary to coast to victory in December.

When asked recently to describe his political views, Tierney described himself as a Progressive who agrees with the views held by most of the Democrat contenders.  

Opinion: Karl Rowe is the Hypocrite on the Right

By Trey Mays

Karl Rowe, "the architect" of George W. Bush's two presidential campaigns, loves to write in his columns and in his appearances on Fox News about President Barack Obama's "politics of demonization."   He constantly makes the argument that President Obama uses dishonest and ad hominem attacks against his Republican opponents.   Mr. Rowe's latest Wall Street Journal column is just another example of his primary attack on President Obama.

Mr. Rowe is not wrong about President Obama's deeply personal and severely dishonest attacks. However, ...

Click here to read the rest of the opinion piece.

Opinion: The American Dream is Dying

By a Retired Marine    

The American dream (of greatness and opportunity faded) on November 6, 2012.   The second term of Barack Obama (in my opinion is the) final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of (under-educated and working-poor minorities), feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Normal Rockwell's America.   The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch...the Pit Bull is in the back yard.

The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and Chicago shyster, David Axelrod, along with international socialist George Soros will be pulling the strings on their beige puppet to bring us Act 2 of the New World Order.

Our side ran two candidates who couldn't even win their own states, and the circus fatty Chris Christie helped Obama over the top with a glowing "post Sandy" tribute that elevated the "Commander-in-Chief" to Mother Teresa status. 

People like me are politically irrelevant, and I will never again comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

You will never again out vote these people.   It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away.   It will take Zealots, not Moderates, nor reach-across-the-aisle RINOS to right this ship and restore our beloved country.

Those who come after us will have to risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has frittered away due to "white guilt" and political correctness...

Dear Patriots:  At least in "our" time, we knew and understood "Valor!" 

Editors Comments:
"A MARINES SHORT, ACCURATE, AND...SAD MESSAGE" was modified and edited (in areas) as noted for clarity.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Links to Original Events Purged

Links attached to two events reported in this Blog (and other blogs) were deleted and removed within days of beginning to become 'viral' because, in the opinion of many, of the sensitive nature of the subject matter and the persons connected to the report.

The video linked to the "IRISH LAWMAKER TEARS OBAMA APART" was terminated by U-Tube because of alleged 'copy-right infringements.'   The link to the published report "OBITUARIES FOR GOP PREMATURE" was removed according to Yahoo because it was no longer available.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Irish Lawmaker tears Obama apart

A member of the Parliament in Ireland calls Obama a 'hypocrite' and 'a war criminal' for his export of arms to the Middle East in the name of peace keeping.

Commentators have expressed that "The Saints should bless her and the 'wee people' spread gold at her feet."   Others suggest that "we need a few like her in Congress."

A video of the remarks which lasts about six minutes is attached. 

To view the video, click here.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Obituaries for GOP Premature

Political pundits and commentators as well as some Party leaders have been stressing for some time that the Republican Party across the nation as well as here in Massachusetts must reconnect with our 'base' and move away from far-right elements.   Those same pundits and leaders urge campaign workers and volunteers to re-establish themselves as part of a broad-based political party.

Right-of-center moderates and conservatives who make up the majority of the 'voter base' that supports smaller government and lower taxes across the nation are not expected to readily give up many of their stands on important "social issues."   Finding candidates and leaders to support right-of-center views that include most of the issues they will respond to and vote for, is the dilemma facing the Party when progressives and their minions in the media hammer home their message that the GOP will die if it does not change.

Far-right as well as far-left advocates will continue to seek and elect officials who will advance their views; for that is what is expected to take place when all are allowed to exercise their first amendment right of free speech.

(Attached is an article which appeared in the press a few weeks ago which is included for your consideration.)

To read the attached article, click here.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Background Checks Mandated

 A bill that was passed by the legislature in January of this year, mandates that full fingerprinting and a federal FBI background be done for teachers and other individuals that work with children.   In addition to teachers and teaching assistants, the law also covers individuals who provide family child care, after-school programming for children and bus drivers.

Unlike most other states in the country, until now, Massachusetts only required state background checks.  The new law will allow employers to check the federal data base for crimes committed in other states.  The law, passed by the legislature, includes a provision that the fees associated with the fingerprint checks are the responsibility of the persons being fingerprinted.  Depending on the employment category, the cost of the fees will range from thirty-five to fifty-five dollars.

Unlike Lawyers, Plumbers and other professionals who are required to attend seminars and training
updates at their own expense and also pay licensing fees imposed by state and local municipalities, the teachers are seeking to impose the cost of their background checks on the taxpayers. 

Addivinola for House and Council

Interviews published in yesterday's Boston Globe revealed that Frank Addivinola making his second attempt in two years to win a Republican primary nomination to run for the US House of Representatives from the 5th Congressional District is also running for an At-Large seat on the Boston City Council.

The Boston Magazine also reported that Angelica Addivinola is a first-time candidate for the District Eight seat on the Boston City Council.   While the couple appear to be informed about the important issues related to the positions they seek, the revelations raise questions about their ability to raise sufficient funds and find the time to reach out to the voters over a large geographical area.

To read the Article, click here.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gun Smuggling 'Cover Up' in Benghazi Revealed

by Michael Mosca

WRKO talk-show host Jeff Kuhner during a recent segment of his morning radio program revealed that an illegal gun smuggling operation was being run in Benghazi.  Kuhner suggested that in order to fully understand the serious issues and implications of the "Cover Up" it may require waking up and learning that a plane has gone down in the Middle East or North Africa because one of 400 of America's most sophisticated Surface to Air Missiles [SAMS], manufactured in the USA and lost on September 11, 2012 took it down.

Mr. Kuhner suggested that it may be time to impeach Barrack Hussein Obama and to bring Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice to justice for war crimes for running a Gun Smuggling operation in Benghazi that resulted in thousands of civilians being killed with our stolen weapons and for creating a crisis of monumental proportions with the loss of 400 of our SAMS to Jihadists who stole them by force in Benghazi.

The missiles were part of an illegal gun running operation by our government and destined for our mortal enemies, Al-Qaeda and Jihadists in Syria.  Former US Attorney Joseph DiGenova who has been representing Whistle Blowers in Benghazi, including those in the State Department and now increasingly those who were witnesses on the ground who worked on the compound have come out and said in interview after interview that during the deadly attack on September 11th of last year, 400 Surface to Air Missiles were taken from Libya during that terrorist attack.

Kuhner said that according to people in the intelligence community, these Surface to Air Missiles not only have fallen into the hands of Al-Qaeda, but one of the principle reasons why the Obama Administration decided to close down nineteen of the embassies and consulates in the Middle East and North Africa. They are very concerned that now these Jihadists armed with missiles that they stole from our compound in Benghazi, are going to be used to shoot down American planes. 

Reports now being made public according to Kuhner, reveal that "the CIA had a Military Annex in which they were using as a transit point to illegally and criminally ship arms and weapons to Al-Qaeda, to Jihadists and to radical Islamists in Syria through Turkey."  "Our Government was running an illegal gun smuggling operation"  "We were selling weapons to our mortal enemies."  "Is it time that people like Hillary Clinton face the music for having lied and misled the American people." " Mr. President, you're fired, you're fired!"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

WRCW Holds Annual Meeting - Elects Officers

The Women's Republican Club of Winchester held it's Annual Meeting at Lucia's Ristorente in Winchester on Saturday May 4th.  After registration a delicious buffet consisting of rigatoni in marinara sauce, chicken cutlets, and a tossed salad and rolls was served.

A presentation by actress Judy Bernstein of clever and humorous remarks made by former Presidents, members of Congress, and other political leaders followed the meal. 

Former State Committeewoman Ann Blackham, a founding member of the National Women's Republican Federation inducted the newly elected officers   The gavel was passed to the incoming President Deborah Melkonian who then presented outgoing Club President Marie Baratta with a plaque and a small rememberance from the board of directors.

Also elected for the 2013-2014 term were Judy Myra-Tonello as First Vice-President, Angela Petrone as Second Vice-President, Cindy Kelly as Recording Secretary, Ann Paladino as Coresponding Secretary, Margaret Green as Treasurer, and Jennifer Gurrisi as Dues Treasurer.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Activists Standout in Medford Square

Five activists from the area held signs in Medford Square supporting Mike Sullivan one of the three candidates for US Senate seeking the Republican Party nomination at the primary election on Tuesday April 30.

David Funnell

"Saturday, April 27th, a group of five people bearing 'I LIKE MIKE' signs stood outside Ed Markey's district office in Medford Square and waved and smiled.  While traffic was thin, of course, given the time of day on the weekend, this observer thinks that a significant number of thumbs up, waves and cheery honks from Forest Street, High Street and Salem Street were indicative of a strong  consternation that is likely to be felt more and more in the Markey office as the Special Election draws nearer!" 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Women's Republican Club plans Annual Meeting

The Women's Republican Club of Winchester announced plans to hold it's Annual Meeting and Installation Luncheon on Saturday May 4, 2013.  The event will take place at Lucia's Ristorante, 11 Mt. Vernon Street in Winchester Center.

The days program will begin with registration and coffee at 11:30AM and a buffet lunch at 12:00PM.  After the luncheon, entertainment will be provided by actress Judy Bernstein in a performance of  'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House' a celebration of 200 years of political humor.

The Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers will begin immediately following the entertainment portion of the program.  Outgoing President Marie Baratta will open the Annual Meeting with a report from the Nominating Committee and the Election of Officers.  Past President Anne Blackham will officiate over the swearing in of the incoming Officers and turn over the gavel to the newly installed President.  

Invited guests expected to attend include State Committee Woman Helen Hatch (Woburn) from the 4th Middlesex District.  Hatch, the third-ranked senior member of the State Committee and Vice-Chair of it's regional committee, is a candidate to fill the newly-vacated position as National Committee Woman from Massachusetts which will be voted on at the next meeting of the State Committee.

The Women's Republican Club of Winchester is one of five regional clubs in Massachusetts affiliated with the State and the National Federation of  Republican Women.   The NFRW with headquarters in Alexandria Virginia and billed as the 'Women's Wing of the Republican Party' was founded in 1938.
Membership in the local 'Club' is available to all Republican woman.  Members and non-members may purchase tickets for the event at a cost of $35.00 per person by mailing their check payable to the Women's Republican Club of Winchester at P.O. Box 166 Winchester, MA 01890 no later than May 1st.  No tickets will be available at the door.

Re-energized Republicans gird for Senate Primary

With only weeks to go until the April 30th primary, Michael Sullivan, Dan Winslow and Gabriel Gomez are gearing up their final efforts to capture the Republican  nomination  for U.S. Senate. All are seeking to expand their ranks with supporters willing to assist in reaching out to voters and energizing public support for a Republican victory.

Some say Republicans are demoralized.  NO WAY !  We just won a special election in Peabody for the open seat after a spirited Republican primary !  Demoralized parties don't have primaries and they don't win !  Can we have another US Senate win ???  Absolutely !!!  But it will take work.  So stand out with a sign, take some literature and walk your neighborhood or make some phone calls.

Call your favorite campaign and get involved in some way.  We can win this seat.  Don't pass on this opportunity to make history again. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Republicans celebrate St. Patrick's Day with own breakfast

Call it Southie, or something like that, but who says Democrats are the only ones to have fun on St. Patrick's Day?

"How many people we got here, a couple hundred, white Republicans and we have one Latino guy from Columbia, so we are doing pretty good, we are expanding our roles here, we are very diverse," joked Republican State Senator Bob Hedlund, who was emceeing the state party's St. Paddy's Day Breakfast in Scituate.

This year is the fourth year in a row for what you might call  the alternative breakfast, never mind that bloated roast in South Boston.

"We Republicans are also celebrating St. Paddy's Day, and this is the Irish Rivera, here in Scituate, so why not," laughed organizer Janet Fogarty Kelly.  Why not is right.  So we will need some jokes.  Let's start with Gabriel Gomez, the former  Navy Seal of Columbian heritage who is hoping to become a U.S. Senator.  "Now I think we need to get super tough on border security...but let me tell you why, " said Gomez, "because I am already here," he joked.

Michael Sullivan, who has always been here, is a funny man too.   He got into the race late, had to get those signatures to be on the ballot in a real hurry.  "In fact Holly Robichaud sent me a bill for $300,000, and I said what's this for, she said $10 a vote, that's the going rate, that's what the other guys are paying," said Republican Candidate for U. S. Senate, Michael Sullivan, a former U. S. Attorney.

"A lot of people in this room helped get me on the ballot so I am indebted and grateful for that effort, and I mean this is really the energy of the party, it is really the base," said Sullivan.

Gomez is confident this WAS the breakfast.  "You know you gotta ask Democrats why they didn't invite us, I think it is because maybe they thought we were gonna go there and show them up," said Gomez.  "I am happy to come by and say a few words, see a lot of old friends and make new ones," Sullivan said.

One candidate for that John Kerry Senate seat, didn't make the trip this year, state rep. and former judge Dan Winslow, who decided to crash the South Boston Breakfast instead.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Elections 2013: US Senate - Special Election

The special election required to fill the seat given up by former US Senator John Kerry (D-MA) is now underway.  Two democrats, congressmen Edward Markey and Steve Lynch are seeking their party nomination.  Former US Attorney Mike Sullivan, State Representative Dan Winslow and former Navy Seal Gabriel Gormez are competing for the Republican nomination.

The party primaries will be held on Tuesday April 30th.  The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries will face off in a final election scheduled for June 25th.

Each of the three republican contenders are seeking support from the local Town and Ward
Committee members for their grassroot efforts in reaching out to voters.  All members of the Medford Ward Committees are urged to volunteer for the candidate of their choice.  For information on the candidates, please go to:


Homosexuality and Marriage

 It's all about taxes and benefits because no one stops you from living together

  by Carolyn Moynihan
If two lesbians can marry why not two susters?

Click here to read full article.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Obama Proposes Taxpayer-Funded Pre-School Ed

The Aministration seeks to Educate Your Toddler no Matter the Evidence

President Obama and his technocrats like to claim they're guided by "the science," but then what to make of his State of the Union call for taxpayer-funded preschool for "every child in America"?

A threshold cost-benefit question: if the regular public schools aren't working - the President also proposed a new program "to redesign America's high schools so they better equip graduates for the demands of a high-tech economy" - does it make sense to layer on another defective education level, except earlier in life?  But never mind.

Mr. Obama claimed that "study after study" showed every dollar of pre-Kindergarten "investment" saves seven dollars later on, through better student performance, graduation rates and the like.  Keep this man away from a stock portfolio, let alone the social sciences.          

In December, Mr. Obama's own Health and Human Services Department released an evaluation of Head Start, the 47-year-old program for low-income toddlers, and concluded that any cognitive gains disappeared by the third grade.  HHS had sat on the legally mandated study for more than a year.

Most other academic studies have also found early educational intervention "fade out" and that these programs rarely achieve what they promise.  Russ Whitehurst of the Brookings Institution wrote Wednesday that the available studies supporting universal pre-K were "thin empirical gruel."  Researches at the Heritage Foundation and the conservative sociologist Charles Murray have come to similiar conclusions.  This is about as close to an intellectual policy consensus as Washington gers.

Through Mr. Obama's universal pre-K agenda seemed to emerge from nowhere, it goes back to his 2008 campaign platform that included a "zero-to-five" education plan that "begins at birth."   It's further proof that liberals measure government success not by results, but by good intentions and how much government spends.


Student-loan Delinquencies Soar

"We are not a deadbeat nation, " President Obama famously said during the debt-ceiling fight.  We'll see how long the Treasury can sustain gargantuan deficits.  But at the level of individual borrowers,  and specifically young people with student loans, defaults are spiking at historical levels.    On February 28th the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that a staggering 35% of student-loan borrowers under 30 were at least 90 days late on their payments at the end of 2012, up from 26% in 2008 and 21% in 2004.

These figures exclude kids who aren't yet required to make payments, often because they are still in school.  As they mature and enter the labor market, they are learning how difficult it is to find a job that allows them to repay those loans.

And for those who can't the tab is likely to be pushed onto taxpayers.  The Department of Education became the originator of roughly 90% of U.S. student loans thanks to a provision passed along with the Affordable Care Act in 2010.  With accounting that even the Congressional Budget Office admits is fraudulent because it minimizes the cost of defaults, that the federal takeover was presented as a big cost-saver.

As a Senator and then President, Mr. Obama has also worked to enact a series of laws that expand the options to delay or avoid honoring these debts.  "Income based repayment" plans and eventual debt forgiveness for people who take jobs in government and the nonprofit sector have enablrd more youngsters to avoid paying on time.

 The federal student-loan explosion means that this is the one giant exception to the needed consumer deleveraging that has occurred since the financial crisis.  Americans have reduced their borrowing in most consumer markets.  But U.S. student-loan debt increased 11% last year to $966 billion and has skyrocketed 51% since 2008, according to the New York Fed report.  According to the Wall Street Journal, 43% of the 25-year-olds had student debt in the fourth quarter of 2012, up from about 33% in the same period of 2008.

Talk about creating systemic risk.  The New York Fed also finds that borrowers who are behind on their student loan payments are much more likely to also be delinquent on auto-loan, credit-card and mortgage payments.

All of this was predicted by those who opposed the federal takeover of student loans.  But as with so many promises that government makes, the fun comes early and the bill arrives later and is paid by someone else.


Friday, March 1, 2013

US Senate - Special Election...Wording Sounds Familiar

"Sure, I am a Republican, but I am the new kind of Republican," Gomez said.   Obviously as a Republican I hold some conservative views, but I am an independent thinker, and I have no interest in going to Washington to engage in partisian trench warfare."

To read the full story, click below. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Carl Sciortino:Marxist Plays Musical Chairs in Massachusetts

Leftest Massachusetts Congressman Ed Markey is standing for Kerry's old job, while the Democratic Socialists Society of America supported Massachusetts State Representative Carl Sciortino has put his hand up for Markey's Congressional seat.

Click here for more details.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Medford Residents file Suit over Green Line Extension

Medford Residents Bill Wood and Carolyn Rosen have sued the state and the Federal Transit Administration claiming the environmental and social impacts of the Green Line Extension Project were not studied closely enough.

The lawsuit also claims the state failed to study potential social impacts in reviewing the project.

Click here to read full story.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Columbine Student's Father 12 Years Later

On Thursday January 10th, Darrell Scott the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton Colorado twelve years ago was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee.  What he said to our national leaders was painfully truthful.

They we not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well.  It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert!  These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal.  There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.

The following is a portion of the transcript:  "Since the dawn of creation there has been both good and evil  in the hearts of man and woman.  We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence.  The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain.  Their blood cries out for answers.

The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field.  The villian was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association.  The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only befound in Cain's heart."

"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA.  I am not a member of the NRA.  I am not a hunter.  I do not even own a gun. 

I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended.  If I believed that they had anything to do with Rachael's murder I would be their strongest opponent.

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy - - it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies!  Much of the blame lies here in this room. 
much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves.  I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.

Your words ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed,
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!

"Men and woman are three-part beings.  We all consist of body,mind and spirit.  When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and create havoc.  Spiritual presences were present  within our educational systems for most of our nations history.  Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries.  This is a historical fact.  What has happened to us as a nation?  We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence.  And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs - - politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA.  They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties.  We do not need more restrictive laws.  Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors.  No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre.  The real villian lies within our hearts."

"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school.  I defy any law or politician to deny him that right!  I challenge every young person in America, and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools.  Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain.  Dare to move into the new millenniun with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him.  To those of you who would point the finger at the NRA - - I give you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your heart before casting the first stone!  My daughter's death will not be in vain!  The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"