Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank Our Veterans

The Land of the Free because of the Brave

By Charlie Baker

For the past few years, a friend of mine who spent four years in the Marine Corps has invited me to the Maine Corps birthday celebration at the South Boston Convention Center.   It's quite a scene - 2,000 men, a handful of women, a boatload of beer, and a ton of pomp and circumstance.

Amidst the 'hoorah' there are moments that stay with me for months: stories of profound heroism and gargantuan courage under extraordinary situations, spellbinding speeches that powerfully express what it means to be part of one the world's finest military organizations, and ritual that has its origins in the founding of this great nation.

But the moments that I never forget are the ones that come when the Corps honors the mothers and fathers among them who have lost their sons and daughters on the field of battle.   As their names, along with the names of their fallen children, are read, they stand and turn towards the crowd.   The applause starts loud and then explodes, as 2,000 men and women of all ages stand and honor those who have paid the highest price a parent can pay in defense of their country.   It is beyond moving.   It tugs at the heart and sears the soul, and it speaks volumes about how high the stakes are every time a parent sends a son or daughter off to war.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "The land of the free because of the brave."   True enough.   The men and women who choose to serve in our military are, indeed, very special, and so are their families.   Please take the time this Veteran's Day to honor their commitment to us, their love for the country, and their unflinching willingness to put themselves in harm's way.

Thanks - and God Bless America.

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