Saturday, September 28, 2013

'Strawman' Returns Again

Mr.Thomas Tierney, a resident of Framingham, who has a long-time history of "running" in both Democratic and Republican primaries for Representative in Congress "against" Edward Markey has again filed sufficient signatures in order to have his name appear on the Republican Ballot in the Special Election Primary for the 5th Congressional District to be held on October 15th.

In 2010, Tierney claimed in press releases that he was being ignored by several GOP City and Town Committees, and when it was shown that neither he or anyone representing him had made any efforts to reach out, the claim was withdrawn.   Dr. Gerry Dembrowski of Woburn defeated Tierney in the 2010 GOP Primary and went on to lose the General Election to Markey.

In 2012, Tierney ran again as a Republican and while ignored as a 'Strawman' for Ed Markey by many GOP groups he bested Frank Addivinola and Jeff Semon in the Republican Primary.  Shortly thereafter Tierney was no where to be seen allowing Markey to coast to victory.

Again this year three names will appear on the 2013 Special Election Republican Primary Ballot.  Observers and some local Chairs fear that Frank Addivinola and Mike Stopa, who are known Republicans, will be defeated by Tierney again taking advantage of a last-minute advertising and phone banking blitz supported by deep-pocketed Democratic groups.  The goal again appears to allow the winner of the Democrat Primary to coast to victory in December.

When asked recently to describe his political views, Tierney described himself as a Progressive who agrees with the views held by most of the Democrat contenders.  

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