Sunday, September 8, 2013

Obituaries for GOP Premature

Political pundits and commentators as well as some Party leaders have been stressing for some time that the Republican Party across the nation as well as here in Massachusetts must reconnect with our 'base' and move away from far-right elements.   Those same pundits and leaders urge campaign workers and volunteers to re-establish themselves as part of a broad-based political party.

Right-of-center moderates and conservatives who make up the majority of the 'voter base' that supports smaller government and lower taxes across the nation are not expected to readily give up many of their stands on important "social issues."   Finding candidates and leaders to support right-of-center views that include most of the issues they will respond to and vote for, is the dilemma facing the Party when progressives and their minions in the media hammer home their message that the GOP will die if it does not change.

Far-right as well as far-left advocates will continue to seek and elect officials who will advance their views; for that is what is expected to take place when all are allowed to exercise their first amendment right of free speech.

(Attached is an article which appeared in the press a few weeks ago which is included for your consideration.)

To read the attached article, click here.

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