Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gun Smuggling 'Cover Up' in Benghazi Revealed

by Michael Mosca

WRKO talk-show host Jeff Kuhner during a recent segment of his morning radio program revealed that an illegal gun smuggling operation was being run in Benghazi.  Kuhner suggested that in order to fully understand the serious issues and implications of the "Cover Up" it may require waking up and learning that a plane has gone down in the Middle East or North Africa because one of 400 of America's most sophisticated Surface to Air Missiles [SAMS], manufactured in the USA and lost on September 11, 2012 took it down.

Mr. Kuhner suggested that it may be time to impeach Barrack Hussein Obama and to bring Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice to justice for war crimes for running a Gun Smuggling operation in Benghazi that resulted in thousands of civilians being killed with our stolen weapons and for creating a crisis of monumental proportions with the loss of 400 of our SAMS to Jihadists who stole them by force in Benghazi.

The missiles were part of an illegal gun running operation by our government and destined for our mortal enemies, Al-Qaeda and Jihadists in Syria.  Former US Attorney Joseph DiGenova who has been representing Whistle Blowers in Benghazi, including those in the State Department and now increasingly those who were witnesses on the ground who worked on the compound have come out and said in interview after interview that during the deadly attack on September 11th of last year, 400 Surface to Air Missiles were taken from Libya during that terrorist attack.

Kuhner said that according to people in the intelligence community, these Surface to Air Missiles not only have fallen into the hands of Al-Qaeda, but one of the principle reasons why the Obama Administration decided to close down nineteen of the embassies and consulates in the Middle East and North Africa. They are very concerned that now these Jihadists armed with missiles that they stole from our compound in Benghazi, are going to be used to shoot down American planes. 

Reports now being made public according to Kuhner, reveal that "the CIA had a Military Annex in which they were using as a transit point to illegally and criminally ship arms and weapons to Al-Qaeda, to Jihadists and to radical Islamists in Syria through Turkey."  "Our Government was running an illegal gun smuggling operation"  "We were selling weapons to our mortal enemies."  "Is it time that people like Hillary Clinton face the music for having lied and misled the American people." " Mr. President, you're fired, you're fired!"

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