Sunday, April 14, 2013

Re-energized Republicans gird for Senate Primary

With only weeks to go until the April 30th primary, Michael Sullivan, Dan Winslow and Gabriel Gomez are gearing up their final efforts to capture the Republican  nomination  for U.S. Senate. All are seeking to expand their ranks with supporters willing to assist in reaching out to voters and energizing public support for a Republican victory.

Some say Republicans are demoralized.  NO WAY !  We just won a special election in Peabody for the open seat after a spirited Republican primary !  Demoralized parties don't have primaries and they don't win !  Can we have another US Senate win ???  Absolutely !!!  But it will take work.  So stand out with a sign, take some literature and walk your neighborhood or make some phone calls.

Call your favorite campaign and get involved in some way.  We can win this seat.  Don't pass on this opportunity to make history again. 

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