Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Elections 2013: US Senate - Special Election

The special election required to fill the seat given up by former US Senator John Kerry (D-MA) is now underway.  Two democrats, congressmen Edward Markey and Steve Lynch are seeking their party nomination.  Former US Attorney Mike Sullivan, State Representative Dan Winslow and former Navy Seal Gabriel Gormez are competing for the Republican nomination.

The party primaries will be held on Tuesday April 30th.  The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries will face off in a final election scheduled for June 25th.

Each of the three republican contenders are seeking support from the local Town and Ward
Committee members for their grassroot efforts in reaching out to voters.  All members of the Medford Ward Committees are urged to volunteer for the candidate of their choice.  For information on the candidates, please go to:


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