Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tufts Students should Vote for Notable Alumni

By Bennett F. Gillogly

When Scott Brown was running for Senate he promised that he would go to Washington to be an independent thinker and reach across party lines to solve our country's problems.   Two and a half years later Senator Brown has kept those promises of independendence and bipartisanship.

Although he may be socially liberal, Senator Brown has remained a steadfast fiscal conservative.

The dichotomy between Brown and Warren in the US Senate race could not be clearer.   Professor
Warren believes that no one built their business without the help of the government.  Therefore she can justify increasing taxes any time the government needs money.  Senator Brown on the other hand, believes that level-headed bipartisan cooperation is the key to resolving America's problems.

Bennett F. Gillogly is a junior majoring in international relations.  He is the President of the Tufts Republican Club and can be reached at  To read the entire article see The Tufts Daily of Thursday October 25, 2012.

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