Sunday, September 16, 2012

MA Republican State Committee discusses adoption of national party platform

The Massachusetts Republican State Committee listened to a presentation by Patricia B. Doherty, State Committee Woman from the Second Middlesex District, on the question of adopting the national party's platform at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee which will take place after the November election.  The speech drew mostly favorable comments including remarks made by the State Committee Chair and applause from those in attendance.

The State Committee had previously voted to schedule a discussion at the September meeting on embracing the national platform, which does not embrace gay marriage, late term abortion and does not contain exceptions for rape or to save the life of the mother.  That language caused controversy nationally and in Massachusetts, where some Massachusetts candidates have found success on socially moderate stances.

Richard Tisei, a Republican candidate for the Sixth Congressional seat who is openly gay, urged the State Committee to reconsider taking up discussion of the national platform.  Other Republicans said they feared that a battle over internecine values would alienate activists and conservatives who can get out the vote for Republicans in an election year.

Party spokesman Timothy Buckley caused a stir with Globe Reporter Stephanie Ebbert when he barred her from the meeting at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester which was otherwise open to the public and press.  Ebbert has been a frequent critic of the MAGOP.  After the meeting, Buckley declined to provide details, saying, "It was discussed. That's all I got."

Several participants recounted the events of the evening; including State Committee member Patricia Doherty, who proposed adopting the national platform and detailed to the Globe reporter the speech she had given inside.

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