Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grassroots Effort Wins in Wisconsin

Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus in remarks made on Twitter noting that the Recall win by Governor Walker was made possible by the crucial support of dedicated volunteers stated: "In less than four years after Obama won Wisconsin, Democrats lost an election of their own making.  That's because the GOP excelled at our ground game, now giving us a significant advantage for the presidential race." Priebus argues, "Working with the Wisconsin GOP, the RNC ran joint voter contact Victory operations and opened 26 statewide offices.  Since January our volunteers made over 4 million voter contacts, more than the GOP did in the entire 2008 campaign and substantially more than Democrats and their union allies in this election... In the process,more than 3,400 Wisconsin volunteers have signed up to help the Party.  And the data collected by door-to-door volunteers for Governor Walker was all properly added to the RNC's data center, thanks to the use of iPads, iPhones, and iPods."


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