Monday, April 9, 2012

State Committee Elections Mixed

With 79 elected and re-elected State Committee members in attendance, and one vacancy, barely a handful of votes decided two highly contested elections during the organizational meeting of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee which took place on Thursday April 5th.

The election process began with a highly emotional race for Republican National Committeewoman in which former Lt. Governor Kerry Healy was elected over activist Channel Prunier. The election became very fluid after the incumbent Jody Dow withdrew from the race the previous week and Healy entered the contest.

Healy's election was quickly followed by the unanimous re-election of Ron Kaufman for Republican National Committeeman.

The other highly watched election, the election of Vice-Chair of the State Committee, followed. Jean Kangas was re-elected by a slim-but-firm margin over new State Committeeman Steve Alyward.

In other officer elections, Brent Anderson was re-elected as Treasurer of the State Committee, Angela Davis was elected as Secretary, Elizabeth Mahoney was elected as Assistant Treasurer and Bonnie Johnson was elected as Assistant Secretary. Each of the four were elected without opposition.

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