Monday, January 23, 2012

GOP has first candidate for 9th District seat

By Brian Boyd

A Plymouth businessman has announced he will seek the Republican nomination for the new 9th Congressional District.

Christopher Sheldon, a management consultant and Plymouth County Charter Study Commissioner, has formed a campaign committee, he announced in a news release Friday.

"Like many from the South Shore, South Coast, Cape and Islands, I am very concerned about the direction of our country and especially our economy," Sheldon said in the release. "I believe in the American dream and I believe that, if we start now, there is still time to get our nation back on track."

He cited professional politicions and partisanship as impediments to solving problems in Washingron, and he said there is a need for someone with business and economic experience who is willing to work across party lines. Sheldon has tentatively scheduled a formal announcement of his candidacy and a campaign kick-off event for March 30.

The new 9th district, created as part of the redistricting process following the 2010 census, encompasses Cape Cod and parts of the South Shore and South Coast, including New Bedford.

U.S. Rep. William R.Keating, D-Mass, who currently represents part of the new district, and Bristol County and District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter are seeking the Democratic Nomination.

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