Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winchester Residents oppose Freight Train Spur

According to Winchester Patch Editor Daniel Marra, "Winchester could see freight trains driving through town in the near future." Over 25 residents crowded into the Board of Selectmen meeting room [recently] to oppose the possibility of having freight trains stopping in town. According to Winchester resident Susan Busher, a railroad switch has been established by the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad (MBCR) at Cross Street at the request of Tighe Trucking, Inc. She said "that a railroad siding will be installed that will bring freight trains off the commuter rail for the delivery to the back side of Tighe Trucking at 45 Holten Street." If you haven't weighed in on this issue,and wish to, you should call a member of the Selectmen's Board and/or your town meeting member(s)!

To read the full article click here:

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