Sunday, May 1, 2011

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus at MassGOP Fundraiser

On Thursday evening April 28th, various State Committee Members including Second Middlesex State Committeeman Bernie Green, GOP elected officials, State Representative candidate Jim Dixon and his wife Laura, college Republicans, TARS State President Sean Harrington, and activists from across the state were on hand to hear from the RNC's new Chairman Reince Priebus. Priebus who appeared at one of a series of spring state GOP fundraisers highlighted the importance of supporting the MassGOP but not just to further Republican principles. Rather, he stressed that supporting the party is one way we can support our communities and strenghten Massachusetts.

Priebus also discussed the importance of our National Committee Members Jody Dow and Ron Kaufman saying they are both influential to his chairmanship. Charged with the mission of building trust with state parties, contributers and grass roots activists, Priebus noted that the outstanding debts of the RNC had been addressed and he pledged to be a formidable force in the 2012 elections.

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