Friday, March 25, 2011

Jim Dixon's Rep Race Needs Your Help

Captain Jim Dixon a commercial airline pilot with American Airlines is running for State Representative in one of the two special elections currently under way for open seats to be filled on May 10th. The more local race is for the 10th Middlesex District seat which became open after then re-elected State Representative Koutoujian was named by Governor Patrick as the interim Sheriff of Middlesex County in January. Dixon, a first time candidate, who ran for the seat against the incumbent in November is making his second effort only months after knocking on doors in the district which includes Waltham, Newton and Watertown.

While four Democrats are beating themselves up in order to win their party primary in April, Jim will have the opportunity to sprint to the May 10th final election. Already volunteers from various local committees in our area have assisted in sending out fundraising letters and starting an effort of literature drops on doors in the district. Money for additional mailings and campaign materials are needed to combat the expected union onslaught and efforts from vested interests in order keep the seat from falling into Republican hands.

Captain Dixon was a special guest at the March 23rd Medford Republican City Committee meeting and was presented with the opportunity to express his concerns for the district and state. Chairman Bernie Green asked those present and is asking all the Ward Members in the city to make a donation of money and if they have the opportunity - volunteer in this special election by donating time such as making phone calls on his behalf from home. For more information you may call the campaign at (800) 582-5340 or visiting his website at

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