Monday, February 21, 2011

Polito Supporters Angered by Remark

State Republican Party Chair Jennifer Nassour created unnessary anguish among Karyn Polito supporters and others within the Party on February 6th by her response to a question posed on Channel Five's Sunday morning program "On the Record." When asked if she had a comment about a recent complaint by Karyn Polito that - Steve Grossman had received $728,000 from the Massachusetts Democratic Party and that effectively she had received no (financial) support from the (Republican Party) and that it was the significant difference in the race.

Nassour responded by saying "I am so happy with all of our (State Party) efforts in 2010, I think we did a great job; and no amount of money was going to help Karyn Polito who lost by ten points (to win the race), number one and number two, I would have taken a lot of heat from our activists and supporters if I had given money to Karyn Polito a Republican who was out campaigning with Tim Cahill and Independents."

Curiously, Polito who turned out to be the top Republican vote getter in the November election caught the attention of Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair John Walsh who had made a statement that he considered Polito a strong candidate and that it was anticipated by many that she might win the State Treasurers office.

To see the video of the TV5 program, click here.

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