Monday, October 4, 2010

Campaign 2010: Dembrowski impressed by Brazilian voting Procedures and Technology

Dr. Derry Dembrowski a candidate for US Congress in the Seventh Congressional District commented, after observing the turnout of thousands of native Brazilians who appeared at Framingham High School in Massachusetts over the weekend to vote in their Presidential Election, that he was very impressed by the turnout and how sophisticated the process and their 'state-of-the-art' voting machinery was in comparison to some of the equipment and methods used in Massachusetts and in other States across the country. Dembrowski added that the process was both secure and instantaneous.

In an interview with Brazilian TV reporter Luciana Almeida of BTN, Dembrowski stated "I am very impressed by the turnout of Brazilians who cherish their mandatory right to vote." According to the BTN reporter, officials were expecting over 12,000 to show up and vote. Dembrowski remarked that unlike Massachusetts, voters in Brazil are required to present their Voter ID before being allowed to vote.

When asked about Americans voting overseas, Dembrowski noted that although our military fights to protect the rights of citizens in other countries to vote and change their leaders, few act to protect the right of our military men and women to vote in a safe and secure manner and be assured that their votes will be counted on time back home. Most members of the military wishing to vote use paper Absentee Ballots which is an archiac (World War II type) absentee voting system; and because of the time required to return them to their communities, large numbers of the military ballots are not counted.

Asked about his prediction about the upcoming election in Massachusetts and whether voters will turnout in large numbers Dembrowski answered "I hope so," adding "Americans should value their right to vote" and use that right to change their government.

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