Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Campaign 2010: Tierney claims he was Ignored

A quick check among several of the communities named in a story posted on Monday by local CNC Newspapers revealed that an allegation made by Mr. Tierney of Framingham that the GOP Town Committees in the Seventh Congressional District ignored his candidacy actually showed that no contact was ever received from him or his representatives. The response by the Belmont Committee Chair quoted in the story is typical in that most committees expect candidates to make the first move. Tierney admitted in some instances to not attempting to make contact with several committees because he believed them to be inactive committees.

Medford Republican City Committee Chairman Bernie Green responded to the suggestion that his Committee was inactive by saying "If Mr. Tierney really wanted to reach most of the committees he named he could have checked on the Internet. Most of us have Web-sites or Blogs that list our contact information and several are on Facebook or other sites that also have Links to us." Green added "While some of his 'street work' (sic) was underway He could of checked with some of the cable access channels and discovered that Medford video tapes its meetings and distributes them for broadcast."

Green who is also a State Committee Member representing several of the communities named and one community in the District not named called Tierney a RINO who is the 'straw man' in the race hoping to confuse voters with fabrications and distortions. "Even his home town of Framingham didn't believe in his candidacy" he added.

Full Story

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