Saturday, August 7, 2010

Area Candidates Shift into High Gear

With the September 14th Primary only weeks away and the November General Election following closely behind, local Republican and Independent candidates for State Representative, and Republican candidates for State Senate, State-wide Constitutional Office and the U.S.Congress are shifting into high gear.

The summer calendar of 'social' activities have included BBQ feasts and finger food extravaganza's held at private homes; "Meet and Greet" events at local eateries and pubs, VFW Halls and Country Clubs; and 'Entertainment programs' such as the one held at the North Shore Music Theatre by 6th District Congressional Candidate Bill Hudak.

'Retail Politics' underway include a whill-wind of door-to-door reach-outs to voters at home, at food markets, post offices, senior citizen events, and at parades and religious festivals.

A flood of Lawn Signs are beginning dot the Landscape and Stand Outs on street corners across the area are becoming more frequent as the Primary and General Election days arrive. Meanwhile calls to likely voters are asking for support and reminding some of the convenience of Absentee Ballot voting in advance at local City or Town Halls.

Billboard Advertising has also begun to appear on behalf of Dr. Gerry Dembrowski who is a candidate in the 7th District for U.S. Congress against Cong. Ed Markey. The first two billboards (the new electronic type) were 'lit up' on August 1st facing northbound traffic of I-93 in Stoneham and facing southbound traffic on I-93 in Medford.

Plans to jump into the frey and add to the building momentum include 'stand-outs' on street corners in Medford which are being scheduled now for August and early September by the Medford Committee. The Committee is reaching out to local candidates seeking to add sign holders from around the area to it's volunteers. Anyone wishing to participate is asked to call any Officer or contact the Committee by e-mail at

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