Sunday, April 11, 2010

Demonstrations abound in area

A large number of Tea Party rallies and demonstrations are planned across the country including several in local communities in the area. A large rally is planned on the Boston Common on April 14th. Called the Tea Party Express, several notable speakers are scheduled to appear on the Common including Governor Sarah Palin. The Boston event will take place between 10AM and 1PM near the intersection of Charles and Beacon streets. Attendees from across the region are planning to attend with several travelling by buses to the site.

Medford will be the host City for one of several Tea Party demonstrations that will be held across the State on April 15th. Residents and neighbors from other communities are expected to converge at the heavily traveled intersection of the Fellsway (Rt 28) and Salem Street (Rt 60) between 4PM and 6PM. The largely non-partisan demonstration attracted a sizable number of Republicans, Democrats and Independent voters when a similar protest was held at the same location last year. The purpose of the event is to show the continued and large opposition to changes in the laws by Congress allowing increased government intervention in the lives and liberties of all citizens. Members of Republican Committees and Tea Party Groups in other communities have been advised about the demonstration hoping to further increase participation.

Members of a group calling themselves the 'Lucidicus Project' are planning a protest demonstration in front of Congressman Ed Markey's District Office in Medford Square on April 16th.

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