Friday, March 5, 2010

With the bang-up job the Government has done fixing our economy, just imagine what they will be doing to our healthcare system

OT workers line pockets with stimulus dollars

By Joe Dwinell
Friday, March 5, 2010

Highly touted Bay State job creation programs have stimulated a pile of pocket-padding overtime for state workers and detail pay for cops even as the unemployment rate continues to climb, a Herald payroll analysis shows.

Three civil engineers with the Department of Conservation and Recreation racked up overtime tallies last year of more than $100,000 each working “night and day” on bridge projects, officials say.

One of the engineers propped up his $76,000 salary with added hours to secure a lofty $205,000 in take-home pay last year, according to the newly released state payroll obtained by the Herald.

Two other civil engineers pocketed an extra $117,000 each in OT on top of their modest salaries.

Full story

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