Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scott Brown Scores a Trio of Committee Seats

Scott P. Brown, the newest member of the Senate, has received his committee assignments, and there seems to be a theme: The Massachusetts Republican has been given a slot on the Armed Services, Homeland Security and Veterans’ Affairs panels.

Mr. Brown, a member of the National Guard for three decades, said in a statement: “We are currently involved in two wars, and these committees are critical in keeping our country safe, as well as protecting the men and women who defend us. It is equally important that the men and women in uniform receive the care and benefits they have earned through their selfless service.”

According to The Boston Globe, Mr. Brown — who won a January special election to capture the seat once held by the late Edward M. Kennedyreceived two of the three committees he requested. But while he reportedly asked to sit on the Appropriations Committee instead of Veterans’ Affairs, Mr. Brown had made veterans issues one of his major topics of concern as a Massachusetts state senator.

The full Senate must approve Mr. Brown’s committee slots, which were handed out by the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell. But that typically happens with little difficulty.

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