Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Republican Senate upset in Massachusetts?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Jan. 19 special election to fill Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat is beginning to resemble the 2008 presidential election, when the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton was overtaken by a surprising phenomenon named Barack Obama.

Only this time, it's a wunderkind from the right overtaking an overconfident woman on the left. Conventional wisdom in Massachusetts has long held that Attorney General Martha Coakley would sail into Kennedy's seat as a natural heiress, without having to stock up on hand sanitizer. She's a liberal Democrat in tune with Kennedy's philosophy and ready to cast her votes accordingly.

But something has happened the past couple of months. State Sen. Scott Brown, a relative pauper when it comes to political spending, has been closing in. While Coakley has been drumming her fingers until fate gets on with it, Brown has been standing on street corners, holding up signs, delivering posters and putting 200,000 miles on his pickup truck.

Full column

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