Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Massachusetts taxes kill holiday sales

Notice the obedient, part-of-the-problem, "retail group" below is not proposing repealing revenue and business killing taxes, but rather broadening them so that internet and interstate commerce is punished. It reminds me of how the Medford Chamber of Commerce was in the bag for the Medford Meals Tax hike, and now, rather than suggest we repeal that tax to bring diners back to Medford eateries, the Medford Chamber will rather lobby to get surrounding towns to impose the same tax on the middle class to "even the playing field". This is how liberal "progressive" sprawl works.

How about stopping the out of control taxing and spending, that might even the playing field.
Nick McNulty

Mass. retailers report holiday sales off 2.6 percent Boston Herald

“The tax-free Internet continues to take sales away from Main Street employers,” Hurst said. “Unfortunately, that trend will likely continue until Congress fixes the problem and levels the playing field so that all sales receive the same tax treatment.”

A 25 percent increase in the state sales tax in August may have sent some Massachusetts shoppers to the Internet and tax-free New Hampshire, according to Hurst, pointing to state Department of Revenue sales tax collection reports. Those reports show drops in retail sales for August through November compared to last year’s results, including double-digits drops in August and September.

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