Sunday, November 1, 2009

Romney goes to bat for Brown

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, was with State Sen. Scott Brown, R-Wrentham, at a fundraising event Friday night at Lucianos at Lake Pearl in Wrentham. (Staff photo by Mark Stockwell)

WRENTHAM - Former Gov. Mitt Romney Friday declared that Washington is being run by "neo-monarchists" and the country needs a second revolution to restore power to the people.

Romney, speaking at a fund-raising event for state Sen. Scott Brown, urged those in attendance to send Brown to Washington to help the revolution along.

The Republican and former presidential candidate compared the current political situation to the conditions that existed in 1776.

Back then, he said, monarchists believed in a "strong central leader" while revolutionaries wanted to hand government over to the people.

The people won and the result was a "stronger nation and the land of opportunity," he said. Currently the country is being run by those who believe in "government telling us what to do," including government-run health care and deficit spending.

Romney said the first signs of change may come Tuesday in races for governor in New Jersey and Virginia.

Republicans are running well in both races, he said.

"We'll win there if there is no cheating," he said after repeating a joke that the races "are within the margin of cheating."

Full story

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