Friday, November 6, 2009


Karla Romero, a candidate for State Representative, is seeking election to the State Legislature in 2010 from the 35th Middlesex District which is composed of parts of Malden and Medford. Medford’s Wards 1 and 2 and parts of Wards 3, 7 and 8 are included in the District currently held by Representative Paul Donato. Describing herself as a fiscal conservative and social moderate Romero hopes her campaign against an entrenched opponent will be successful and bring change to the District.

Speaking about her views on spending levels and the ever increasing burden on taxpayers at the October 27th meeting of the Medford Republican City Committee, Karla stated that she hopes to slow the growth in government spending. The Malden resident is enthused about the possibilities; she understands the amount of hard work ahead and asks for the support of the Committee and voters in the District.

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