Monday, November 9, 2009

Martha Coakley AWOL in Amherst

Senatorial Candidate Martha Coakley - and her sister who has lived overseas - both were absent from the Foreign Policy debate in Amherst. All other candidates were present, and Coakley is now hard at work, in true John Kerry fashion, trying to avoid any other televised debates. The 3 other Democrat candidates want at least 3 more, Coakley will only agree to one, and it will likely be on a Friday night, or during a Patriots game, as John Kerry did when running against Jeff Beatty.

Scott Brown is waiting in the wings to clean the clock out of whichever moonbat emerges, likely Coakley who is running this campaign as she has run her entire career, by ducking the voters, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, and consolidating special interest support behind her candidacy.

Nick McNulty

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