Monday, November 16, 2009

Letter to the Medford Transcript

Medford -

To the editor:

It was hard to determine who wrote the [Transcript’s Nov. 5] editorial, Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman. I never saw such a one-sided editorial in my life as what the Transcript is trying to pass off as fair and balanced. It quoted the far left media matters as its source. That’s like asking Hitler to evaluate the B’nai B’rith organization.

The editorial starts off about the brush back between Obama and FOX new and how it’s beneath the presidents dignity to even get involved. Then the editorial goes the same route as the president and his henchmen calling FOX anything but a new organization.

Repeating foolish statements about being an arm of the Republican party. Get real!!! If it weren’t for FOX, the whole country would only get half the story.

I have been reading the Transcript since it first was published. Never was there any similar article about the press as it pummeled George Bush for eight years. Where was the Transcript then??

Where is the umbrage regarding, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the solid Obama press lemmings? You mentioned the tea parties and no one who had an opposing view was interviewed. Maybe you should have been watching lapdogs ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC because that is all you saw.

Instead of whining maybe Obama could take a page out of George Bush’s book who took the blows and did it his way. Maybe before long Obama will stop his cry baby act and start governing.

Richard Arthur Grant

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