Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A no vote for Arena

Medford -

To the editor:

I see Arena for City Council signs all over Medford…have we at long last become unglued like our far left neighbors in Somerville and Cambridge?

Mark Arena proudly boasts of being endorsed by SEIU and being a “housing advocate.” The SEIU is now a government subsidized rent-a-mob for the Democrat party first, a labor union second. On any given day, SEIU members are not going to work, but rather are being bused in to shout down regular citizens at Town Hall meetings, and to intimidate voters at the polls alongside their ACORN brethren.

And “housing advocacy” — or "wealth redistribution through Barney Frank and the Federal Housing Authority" as it has more commonly become known — was one of the primary causes of the economic crash of 2008, which SEIU backed Democrats have since used as a craven excuse to further expand seizure of private property for distribution through and to the federal government.

Are candidates backed by the SEIU and the socialist members of Bailout Nation the type of people we want on the Medford City Council?

Nick McNulty

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