Monday, October 26, 2009

Foes slam AG’s ‘sister’ act on foreign policy

By Hillary Chabot Monday, October 26, 2009

Rivals blasted the strange foreign policy credentials offered by Attorney General Martha Coakley yesterday after the U.S. Senate candidate - in an answer reminiscent of former vice presidential contender Sarah Palin - counted her sister’s overseas home as part of her own international know-how.

“To think having a sister who lives overseas gives you experience is naive at the very best,” said state Sen. Scott Brown, a Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate race. “Do I have the best foreign policy experience? No, but I’m always eager to learn and I certainly have more than having a relative who lives there.”

Coakley made the blunder in response to a question about her lack of international experience and her travels abroad during an interview on WCVB’s Channel 5’s “On the Record” program yesterday.

“I have a sister who lives overseas, and she’s been in England and now lives in the Middle East,” Coakley said, adding she has traveled but declining to say where.

The remark struck political observers as a stretch to bolster her credentials - similar to Alaskan Gov. Palin’s widely parodied claim that she had insight into Russian relations because, “you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska.”

Full story

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