Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tufts Daily - From the outside looking in, Tufts alum Brown sees a path to Kennedy’s Senate seat

Tufts Daily - From the outside looking in, Tufts alum Brown sees a path to Kennedy’s Senate seat

As a Republican candidate in a heavily Democratic state, U.S. Senate hopeful Scott Brown (LA ’81) is casting himself as an independent thinker and a political outsider.

In a speech on Saturday announcing his candidacy, State Sen. Brown emphasized his distance from what he called “the Beacon Hill insider club” and promised that his commitment to his constituents would trump any ties to his political party or outside interests if he won the upcoming election.

“As your U.S. Senator, I still won’t take my orders from the special interests or from Washington politicians who think they know better than us what’s good for Massachusetts,” Brown said. “I do not want to go to Washington to serve the interests of government. I want to serve the interests of the people of Massachusetts.”

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