Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Medford's Coakley gets in lock step with Beacon Hill Machine

...who in turn are getting their marching orders from the Beltway Machine. At the behest of Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, the AP reports that our own Attorney General is going to support a law that she should be filing suit against on behalf of the citizens of the Commonwealth. There can be no doubt now that Martha Coakley is just another self-serving Democrat with no more respect for our state and federal constitutions than any of the rest of the unrepresentative politicians-for-life on Beacon Hill.

But there's more - it looks like Massachusetts Democrats have decided to drop the whole ruse that this garbage is anything but a partisan power play;

A proposal that could be voted on Thursday would require that the appointee be from the same political party as the person whose departure created the vacancy, a Democrat like Kennedy in the current case. Yet it would not require that the appointee be blocked from running in the special election.

Political party requirements written into a bill? I think that is pretty unprecedented, our founding fathers never envisioned the formation of permanent, entrenched political parties, this bill flies directly in the face of anything they believed in.

Democrats ruling Massachusetts and America unopposed are showing us all their true, unconstitutional colors, this is the true "teachable moment" of the Obama years, and Martha Coakley is a part of the problem, not the solution. Time to end the Democrat Oligarchy that is quickly ruining our Republic once and for all.

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