Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ed Markey refuses to speak to Medford City Council on healthcare reform

Ed "Cap and Tax" Markey looks like he is running the John Kerry playbook, avoid the voters, run on name recognition and the coattails of others...

From this week's Medford City Council minutes, printed in the Medford Transcript;

09-718-Offered by Councillor Penta

Be it resolved that since the Medford City Council on two separate occasions have had resolutions sent to Congressman Markey asking for a public open discussion forum at Medford City Hall regarding national health care, being the President's number one at present priority, and since in fact the Congressman has failed to respond especially to a community that has treated Mr. Markey well politically,

be it further stated that it is not becoming to Mr. Markey's position of Congressman wherein he has self proclaimed himself as the Dean of the Massachusetts and New England Delegation and now being the eighth most Senior Democrat in Washington to ignore a responsibility of listening to the people and a legislative request for their understanding and reasoning no matter what position they may have.

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